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Antibiotic Stewardship

February 02, 2024
9 min read

‘There aren’t many of us’: The challenges of delivering rural ID care

‘There aren’t many of us’: The challenges of delivering rural ID care

Despite the importance of the specialty of infectious diseases in modern medicine — made all the more evident by the COVID-19 pandemic — many rural areas of the United States do not have access to specialized ID care.

November 30, 2023
2 min read

Antibiotic stewardship bundle reduces prescribing without increasing health care contacts

Antibiotic stewardship bundle reduces prescribing without increasing health care contacts

An outpatient antibiotic stewardship bundle initiative reduced unnecessary antibiotic prescribing for respiratory infections without increasing repeat health care contacts, a recent study showed.

November 01, 2023
2 min read

Antibiotic use declined among people hospitalized with COVID-19 from 2020 to 2022

Antibiotic use declined among people hospitalized with COVID-19 from 2020 to 2022

Antibiotic use among critically ill patients hospitalized with COVID-19 declined between 2020 and 2022, researchers found.

October 16, 2023
2 min read

Antibiotic use falls in NICUs, likely due to stewardship efforts

Antibiotic use falls in NICUs, likely due to stewardship efforts

Antibiotic stewardship efforts are likely responsible for a substantial decline in antibiotic use in neonatal ICUs, researchers reported in JAMA Pediatrics.

October 06, 2023
3 min read

Stewardship effort helps PICUs sustain lower blood culture rates

Stewardship effort helps PICUs sustain lower blood culture rates

More than a dozen pediatric ICUs were able to sustain reductions in blood culture rates during a 2-year period following a diagnostic stewardship effort aimed at safely improving ordering practices, researchers reported in JAMA Pediatrics.

September 28, 2023
8 min read

‘Oral is the new IV’: Another treatment dogma bites the dust?

‘Oral is the new IV’: Another treatment dogma bites the dust?

A lot of modern medicine is based on what Brad Spellberg, MD, and others call “inertial dogmas” — practices traced to decades-old evidence that are no longer supported by modern studies.

September 25, 2023
2 min read

Pharmacist-driven interventions linked to fewer antibiotic prescriptions

Pharmacist-driven interventions linked to fewer antibiotic prescriptions

Implementing a pharmacist-driven MRSA nasal-swab ordering protocol, followed by a 72-hour approval protocol, led to a significant reduction in antibiotic administration and vancomycin use, researchers found.

September 16, 2023
2 min read

ID consult improves outcomes for patients with gram-negative BSI

ID consult improves outcomes for patients with gram-negative BSI

Patients with gram-negative bloodstream infections had a decreased risk for 30-day mortality if they received an infectious disease consultation as part of their care, researchers reported.

September 13, 2023
2 min watch

VIDEO: How the US monitors food for antimicrobial resistance

VIDEO: How the US monitors food for antimicrobial resistance

PHILADELPHIA — In this video, Claudine Kabera, MPH, an epidemiologist at the FDA’s Center for Veterinary Medicine, discusses the U.S. government’s efforts to monitor the food supply for antimicrobial resistance.

September 08, 2023
5 min watch

VIDEO: Prioritizing antimicrobial resistance in preparedness plans

VIDEO: Prioritizing antimicrobial resistance in preparedness plans

PHILADELPHIA — In this video, Bruce Y. Lee, MD, MBA, discusses a panel he moderated at the World Anti-Microbial Resistance Congress on how to move the topic of antimicrobial resistance to the forefront in conversations about preparedness.

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