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September 08, 2023
5 min watch

VIDEO: Prioritizing antimicrobial resistance in preparedness plans

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PHILADELPHIA — In this video, Bruce Y. Lee, MD, MBA, discusses a panel he moderated at the World Anti-Microbial Resistance Congress on how to move the topic of antimicrobial resistance to the forefront in conversations about preparedness.

“Most people are not old enough to harken back to the days when you had infections and no ways of treating them and they would rapidly become life-threatening,” said Lee, a professor of health policy and management at the City University of New York Graduate School of Public Health and Health Policy. “We might be in that situation sometime in the near future unless something changes in terms of the urgency to deal with this problem.”


  • Lee BY. Keynote panel: How can we push AMR to the forefront of preparedness? Presented at: World Anti-Microbial Resistance Congress and Disease Prevention & Control Summit; Sept. 7-8, 2023; Philadelphia.