January 22, 2025 Articles
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- Adding anthracyclines to taxane-based chemotherapy beneficial in high-risk breast cancer
- Although superior to other insulin therapies, hybrid closed-loop systems differ in efficacy
- Anxiety, PTSD tied to lower anti-Müllerian hormone levels in women firefighters
- Biomarkers may enable blood test for early Alzheimer’s disease, explain sex disparity
- Children with food allergy face ‘substantial’ psychosocial burden
- COVID's role in autoimmunity and where we are in the world of long COVID
- Endocrinology Drug and Device Update
- Evaluation of OCT, uveitis history useful during patient selection for GA therapeutics
- Exposure to nitrogen oxides, particulate matter increase risk for autoimmune disease
- Fatty muscle a cardiovascular risk factor independent from BMI
- FDA approves Spravato as monotherapy for adults with major depressive disorder
- FDA grants fast-track designation to myotonic dystrophy type 1 treatment
- FDA issues anaphylaxis warning on multiple sclerosis treatment
- Foster patient trust when managing complications
- HHS review suggests alcohol use increases the risk for death, cancer
- Hooked on ID with Lyle R. Petersen, MD, MPH, FASTMH
- IBD, several GI cancers join growing list of risks for patients with celiac disease
- Living the American Dream with Maria Abreu, MD
- Mushroom supplement may slow prostate cancer progression
- Myopia benefit remains among older teenagers after discontinuing multifocal contacts
- No cardiovascular risk differences found between biologic treatments for psoriatic disease
- Obesity medications can tackle metabolic cardiorenal disease
- Odds of DMARD-free remission in rheumatoid arthritis may depend on biological DMARD use
- Office-based surgery ‘the way of the future’ in ophthalmology
- Q&A: What men with diabetes should know about reducing risk for erectile dysfunction
- Q&A: How the US can combat anti-vaccine activism
- Researchers define quality-of-life domains for chronic graft-versus-host disease
- Risk for cardiovascular events stays high 1 year after COPD exacerbation
- Risk for rapid kidney decline greater with COVID-19 vs. pneumonia
- Severity of MIS-C fell over time, and most children recovered within 6 months
- Suicide prevention ‘more feasible’ using AI-powered screening alerts
- Targeted therapies for breast cancer increase thrombosis risk
- The changing landscape of endocrinology: GLP-1s, new diabetes technology and more
- Top in endocrinology: New criteria for diagnosing obesity; Medicare price negotiations
- VIDEO: Blockage of FTC noncompete agreement ban leaves decision in hands of the state
- VIDEO: Direct-to-employer contracting may increase practice revenue, profitability
- VIDEO: Novel technique for limbal relaxing incision beneficial for cataract surgery
- VIDEO: Surgical videos to play major role in optimizing robotic cataract surgery