
January 22, 2025 Articles

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  1. Adding anthracyclines to taxane-based chemotherapy beneficial in high-risk breast cancer
  2. Although superior to other insulin therapies, hybrid closed-loop systems differ in efficacy
  3. Anxiety, PTSD tied to lower anti-Müllerian hormone levels in women firefighters
  4. Biomarkers may enable blood test for early Alzheimer’s disease, explain sex disparity
  5. Children with food allergy face ‘substantial’ psychosocial burden
  6. COVID's role in autoimmunity and where we are in the world of long COVID
  7. Endocrinology Drug and Device Update
  8. Evaluation of OCT, uveitis history useful during patient selection for GA therapeutics
  9. Exposure to nitrogen oxides, particulate matter increase risk for autoimmune disease
  10. Fatty muscle a cardiovascular risk factor independent from BMI
  11. FDA approves Spravato as monotherapy for adults with major depressive disorder
  12. FDA grants fast-track designation to myotonic dystrophy type 1 treatment
  13. FDA issues anaphylaxis warning on multiple sclerosis treatment
  14. Foster patient trust when managing complications
  15. HHS review suggests alcohol use increases the risk for death, cancer
  16. Hooked on ID with Lyle R. Petersen, MD, MPH, FASTMH
  17. IBD, several GI cancers join growing list of risks for patients with celiac disease
  18. Living the American Dream with Maria Abreu, MD
  19. Mushroom supplement may slow prostate cancer progression
  20. Myopia benefit remains among older teenagers after discontinuing multifocal contacts
  21. No cardiovascular risk differences found between biologic treatments for psoriatic disease
  22. Obesity medications can tackle metabolic cardiorenal disease
  23. Odds of DMARD-free remission in rheumatoid arthritis may depend on biological DMARD use
  24. Office-based surgery ‘the way of the future’ in ophthalmology
  25. Q&A: What men with diabetes should know about reducing risk for erectile dysfunction
  26. Q&A: How the US can combat anti-vaccine activism
  27. Researchers define quality-of-life domains for chronic graft-versus-host disease
  28. Risk for cardiovascular events stays high 1 year after COPD exacerbation
  29. Risk for rapid kidney decline greater with COVID-19 vs. pneumonia
  30. Severity of MIS-C fell over time, and most children recovered within 6 months
  31. Suicide prevention ‘more feasible’ using AI-powered screening alerts
  32. Targeted therapies for breast cancer increase thrombosis risk
  33. The changing landscape of endocrinology: GLP-1s, new diabetes technology and more
  34. Top in endocrinology: New criteria for diagnosing obesity; Medicare price negotiations
  35. VIDEO: Blockage of FTC noncompete agreement ban leaves decision in hands of the state
  36. VIDEO: Direct-to-employer contracting may increase practice revenue, profitability
  37. VIDEO: Novel technique for limbal relaxing incision beneficial for cataract surgery
  38. VIDEO: Surgical videos to play major role in optimizing robotic cataract surgery