June 08, 2023 Articles
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- Addressing disparities in ASCVD within the US South Asian population
- Aerodigestive eosinophilia may be an endotype of severe uncontrolled asthma
- As more children are diagnosed with anxiety, fewer receive therapy
- Childhood cancer survivors at increased risk for sleep concerns decades after diagnosis
- Data, persistence key to advancing digital health policy in Congress
- EULAR removes systemic glucocorticoid use from psoriatic arthritis recommendations
- Female prisoners more likely to report opioid use, receive treatment
- Healio Minute Podcast, Lung Cancer Edition: Top Headlines - Week of June 5, 2023
- Heart in Diabetes conference will spotlight latest research in cardiometabolic care
- Increased rates of laser-induced scarring call for dermatologists’ expertise
- Intraoperative SD-OCT parameters may be new key for IOL power calculation
- NAMS releases recommendations to treat menopause symptoms with nonhormone therapies
- NLA: Use shared decision-making to navigate dietary patterns for elevated lipids
- Outcomes similar with heart donation after circulatory death vs. brain death
- Prioritizing Physician Values with Stephen Beeson, MD
- Q&A: ‘Heavy, heartfelt history’ of drug trials for Black patients may fuel NASH disparities
- Researchers find new way to measure transplant centers post-COVID-19
- Rheumatology patients with anxiety, depression demonstrate low self-management
- Sacituzumab govitecan shows ‘enduring benefits’ in metastatic breast cancer subset
- Similar rates of parental morbidity, preterm birth for transgender, cisgender parents
- Top in women’s health: Breast density guidance; drug implant for bothersome bleeding
- Understanding how health care providers can prompt vaccine uptake
- Varied outcome requirements for digital therapeutics lead to various guideline processes
- VIDEO: Psychosocial assessment may benefit pediatric patients with cerebral palsy
- VIDEO: Second set of growing rods unsuccessful in children with early onset scoliosis
- WHO Global Diabetes Compact sets targets for improving diabetes outcomes worldwide
- Xenotransplantation: Are we ready for clinical trials in humans?