November 27, 2023 Articles
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- ‘On the cusp’ of something big: New insights into the microbiome’s role in immunity
- About 1% of mothers had new persistent opioid use in the first postpartum year
- Bausch + Lomb collects more than 76 million eye care products through recycling program
- BLOG: The most powerful change you can make in your practice
- C1 inhibitor prevents adverse events from immunoglobulin replacement therapy
- Case study in CKD illustrates need for better communication between physicians, patients
- Children with MIS-C warrant cardiology follow-up, study findings suggest
- Chlorine no more effective than water at killing C. difficile, study finds
- Data show progress in reducing global preventable blindness, but disparities remain
- ENLIVEN extension topline data: Pegozafermin sustains ‘robust benefits’ in NASH at week 48
- First patient enrolled in phase 2b trial of novel therapy for mild Alzheimer’s
- Forum offers practical insights to meet needs of cancer survivors, overcome gaps in care
- How necessary is point-of-care testing in dry eye disease management?
- ILD treatment differs by sex, race across countries
- LAA exclusion system for use in AF during cardiac surgery cleared, launched in US
- Less toxic lithium treatment for major depressive disorder set for phase 2a study
- Managing internal, external expectations key for ophthalmologists
- Medical students, residents voice perceived barriers to career advancement
- Oncologists encouraged to ‘look within’ to promote cancer care equity for LGBTQ+ patients
- On-demand vonoprazan may replace daily therapy for nonerosive reflux disease
- Physical activity and atrial fibrillation: Where’s the balance?
- Positive biomarker data announced in phase 1/2a study of glioblastoma treatment
- Posterior auricular complex graft can be used as spacer in upper eyelid repair
- Preoperative depression screening reduced complications, costs after lumbar fusion
- Preoperative optimization may improve outcomes, cost utility of cervical deformity surgery
- Preterm birth linked to workplace productivity loss, disability claims, indirect costs
- Residency to Retirement will help ophthalmologists prepare financially for future
- Sofosbuvir/velpatasvir with tenofovir alafenamide efficacious for HCV, HBV co-infection
- Standardized OCT classification, grading system needed for diabetic macular edema
- Study to assess azeliragon for refractory metastatic pancreatic cancer
- Study: White bread, alcohol may increase risk for colorectal cancer
- Telemedicine trends among physicians, dermatologists reveal COVID’s impact
- The magic of Miebo
- Top in cardiology: Benefits of low-salt diet; free produce deliveries improve blood sugar
- Transgender young people report worse mental health than general population
- Triple therapy shows safety, tolerability for older children with cystic fibrosis
- VIDEO: Aflibercept 8 mg shows sustained vision benefits at 96 weeks
- VIDEO: Evolution of anaphylaxis guidelines, therapies
- VIDEO: Microbiome still holds ‘more questions than answers’ for autoimmune disease
- VIDEO: Plant-rich diet can decrease flares in rheumatoid arthritis
- VIDEO: Speaker presents data on povetacicept in autoimmune glomerulonephritis
- VIDEO: When to consider a babesiosis diagnosis in children
- What are some strategies to prevent imposter syndrome as an ophthalmologist?
- Woman presents with acute monocular vision loss
- ZeptoLink offers integrated precision pulse capsulotomy