
February 14, 2022 Articles

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  1. ‘Elective surgery is essential surgery,’ says American College of Surgeons
  2. Cardiovascular risk factors prevalent among patients with triple-negative breast cancer
  3. CAR-T poised to create ‘paradigm shift’ in non-Hodgkin lymphoma
  4. Changes to models improve CVD risk prediction in patients with CKD
  5. Comorbidity tool predicts severe maternal morbidity similarly across races, ethnicities
  6. Computer-assisted CBT outperforms usual treatment in primary care patients with depression
  7. Data suggest PCPs ‘play critical role in ensuring vaccine acceptance’
  8. Dermatologists should stay informed about legal, scientific updates for cannabis products
  9. High-dose aflibercept shows promise in wet AMD treatment
  10. House members request update on CDC myopia prevention efforts
  11. Intersection of airways disease and rheumatoid arthritis: Current knowledge, future research
  12. Knee OA predicts incident hand OA; more common in older age, female sex
  13. Less healthy eating, physical activity for children with diabetes during virtual school
  14. Lifetime risk for HIV decreases among men and women in US
  15. Low incidence of donor-specific antibodies for kidney transplant recipients with COVID-19
  16. Melatonin use significantly increases across US
  17. Microbiome status unrelated to current celiac disease activity, severity
  18. Most US women who gave birth have unfavorable heart health before pregnancy
  19. Multiple interventions needed to shrink pandemic burden in underrepresented populations
  20. Nonopioid management common among adults with chronic pain, yet opioid use persists
  21. Once- vs. twice-daily inhaled corticosteroid dosing for asthma boosts pediatric adherence
  22. Peanut allergy testing in infants provokes parental anxiety, but deep breathing may help
  23. PHQ-9 may offer effective depression screening in patients with neurological disorders
  24. Polymerase chain reaction testing may detect bacterial species prior to infection
  25. Poor cognitive scores indicate probable PTSD following TBI
  26. Q&A: Will Congress act to extend, expand telehealth coverage beyond COVID-19?
  27. Quality improvement initiative significantly increases timely depression screening
  28. Relationship between DASH diet and HF varies by socioeconomic status
  29. Risk for myocardial infarction increases among people with HIV
  30. Scoring system predicts infection risk, treatment outcomes after CAR-T
  31. Speaker: ‘Refocus the lens’ on preventing amputation in Black patients with CLI
  32. 'STAR' treatment: Personalized referrals improve chronic pain after total knee replacement
  33. Study findings demonstrate risk to infants from maternal COVID-19, HIV
  34. Thymic cancer therapies may not significantly increase burden of cardiovascular disease
  35. Top in cardiology: CV risks in COVID-19 survivors, atrial shunt fails to improve outcomes
  36. VIDEO: ‘We really do need more research’ on link between COVID-19 vaccination and tinnitus
  37. VIDEO: CGM use during pregnancy benefits babies
  38. VIDEO: EYP-1901 shows consistent safety results at 8 months
  39. VIDEO: What to do when corneal decompensation occurs during cataract surgery