February 14, 2022 Articles
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- ‘Elective surgery is essential surgery,’ says American College of Surgeons
- Cardiovascular risk factors prevalent among patients with triple-negative breast cancer
- CAR-T poised to create ‘paradigm shift’ in non-Hodgkin lymphoma
- Changes to models improve CVD risk prediction in patients with CKD
- Comorbidity tool predicts severe maternal morbidity similarly across races, ethnicities
- Computer-assisted CBT outperforms usual treatment in primary care patients with depression
- Data suggest PCPs ‘play critical role in ensuring vaccine acceptance’
- Dermatologists should stay informed about legal, scientific updates for cannabis products
- High-dose aflibercept shows promise in wet AMD treatment
- House members request update on CDC myopia prevention efforts
- Intersection of airways disease and rheumatoid arthritis: Current knowledge, future research
- Knee OA predicts incident hand OA; more common in older age, female sex
- Less healthy eating, physical activity for children with diabetes during virtual school
- Lifetime risk for HIV decreases among men and women in US
- Low incidence of donor-specific antibodies for kidney transplant recipients with COVID-19
- Melatonin use significantly increases across US
- Microbiome status unrelated to current celiac disease activity, severity
- Most US women who gave birth have unfavorable heart health before pregnancy
- Multiple interventions needed to shrink pandemic burden in underrepresented populations
- Nonopioid management common among adults with chronic pain, yet opioid use persists
- Once- vs. twice-daily inhaled corticosteroid dosing for asthma boosts pediatric adherence
- Peanut allergy testing in infants provokes parental anxiety, but deep breathing may help
- PHQ-9 may offer effective depression screening in patients with neurological disorders
- Polymerase chain reaction testing may detect bacterial species prior to infection
- Poor cognitive scores indicate probable PTSD following TBI
- Q&A: Will Congress act to extend, expand telehealth coverage beyond COVID-19?
- Quality improvement initiative significantly increases timely depression screening
- Relationship between DASH diet and HF varies by socioeconomic status
- Risk for myocardial infarction increases among people with HIV
- Scoring system predicts infection risk, treatment outcomes after CAR-T
- Speaker: ‘Refocus the lens’ on preventing amputation in Black patients with CLI
- 'STAR' treatment: Personalized referrals improve chronic pain after total knee replacement
- Study findings demonstrate risk to infants from maternal COVID-19, HIV
- Thymic cancer therapies may not significantly increase burden of cardiovascular disease
- Top in cardiology: CV risks in COVID-19 survivors, atrial shunt fails to improve outcomes
- VIDEO: ‘We really do need more research’ on link between COVID-19 vaccination and tinnitus
- VIDEO: CGM use during pregnancy benefits babies
- VIDEO: EYP-1901 shows consistent safety results at 8 months
- VIDEO: What to do when corneal decompensation occurs during cataract surgery