January 31, 2022 Articles
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- After AF ablation, dronedarone may be safer, more effective than sotalol
- BLOG: A swing and a miss for Cuban on drug pricing
- Clinicians often don’t recognize parent challenges in therapeutic relationships
- Difference between eGFR cystatin C, eGFR creatinine shows older adults’ kidney function
- FDA approves Moderna’s COVID-19 vaccine
- FDA approves Vabysmo for treatment of wet AMD, DME
- Grocery store access and social factors impact dietary health
- Heart failure biomarker linked to greater HFrEF risk for women with early menopause
- How the COVID-19 delta variant affects the eye
- Inaccuracies found in UNOS categorization of ACLF among LT patients, reform needed
- Increased vitamin D may prevent NAFLD in patients with European ancestry
- Initiative increases breastfeeding rates in Mississippi hospitals
- K-wire fixation did not improve wrist function in distal radius fractures vs molded cast
- Link between leptin, type 2 diabetes risk differs by gestational diabetes history
- Long-acting injectable for HIV prevention 'overpriced'
- Monthly aflibercept associated with less progression of retinal nonperfusion
- More inclusive recruitment needed to improve quality of asthma, allergy studies
- Neurostimulation may reduce suicidal ideation for some with depression
- Next-generation catheter cuts AF ablation time
- NKF, ASN call on government to ensure dialysis facilities have necessary supplies
- 'No clinically relevant effect': Duloxetine fails to impact chronic osteoarthritis pain
- Norway 'excellent example' of how to increase access to biosimilars
- Novavax asks FDA to authorize its protein-based COVID-19 vaccine
- Out-of-spec CAR-T appears safe, effective for younger patients with ALL
- Pediatric Psoriasis: ‘An Area Ripe for Study’
- Pediatric transplant recipients living longer
- Pembrolizumab shows durable activity in subset of women with endometrial cancer
- Phase 3 study planned to evaluate therapy platform for mild cognitive impairment
- Q&A: HRSA updates preventive care guidelines for women, kids
- RGX-314 one-time gene therapy for diabetic retinopathy shows promise in phase 2 study
- Serum glucose may help identify those admitted for stroke at greatest risk for recurrence
- Some antihypertensives may reduce risk for cognitive decline
- Study highlights increase in mean lung function over past century in European adults
- Top in cardiology: Acute coronary syndrome trends, myocarditis after COVID-19 vaccination
- VIDEO: Alternative sources of revenue may exist for orthopedic surgeons
- VIDEO: Coring microneedles could have potential in aesthetics, skin grafting