
June 07, 2021 Articles

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  1. ABX464 safe, effective in treating patients with ulcerative colitis
  2. American Society of Transplant Surgeons leader praises ‘remarkable recovery’ in pandemic
  3. Copanlisib regimen improves outcomes in pretreated follicular, marginal zone lymphoma
  4. COVID-19 vaccine safety data 'provide reassurance' for patients with rheumatic diseases
  5. COVID-19 vaccine safety data 'provide reassurance' for patients with rheumatic diseases
  6. Dalpiciclib-fulvestrant combination improves PFS in advanced breast cancer
  7. Data show value of crossover, rechallenge treatment with pembrolizumab for melanoma
  8. Decline in Kawasaki disease may be linked to pandemic preventive measures
  9. Digital asthma self-monitoring influences inhaled corticosteroid adherence, SABA use
  10. Expert highlights factors to consider in risk assessment for living donors
  11. FDA approves Aduhelm, first new Alzheimer's disease treatment since 2003
  12. FDA approves Ultomiris for children with paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria
  13. FDA authorizes lower dose of Regeneron antibody cocktail for COVID-19
  14. Foundation presents Women Who Conquer Cancer Mentorship Awards
  15. Galcanezumab reduces monthly headache days in women with menstrual migraine
  16. Hypertensive disorders of pregnancy confer elevated CVD risk for offspring
  17. Intranasal zavegepant effective for acute migraine treatment
  18. Ixekizumab demonstrates low radiographic progression in axial SpA at 2 years
  19. Lindstrom: Future of cataract surgery in US includes bilateral, in-office procedures
  20. Machine learning algorithm may predict improvements in athletes after hip arthroscopy
  21. Mavrilimumab linked to 65% reduced risk for mortality, ventilation in severe COVID-19
  22. Molecular tumor profiling beneficial in pediatric solid cancers
  23. New guidance on testing for noninfluenza viral pathogens in community-acquired pneumonia
  24. Novel digital intervention improves vocational attainment in first-episode psychosis
  25. Only 7% of US adults meet daily fiber intake recommendation
  26. Osteoporosis drug initiation may lower mortality risk in adults with epilepsy
  27. Pentavalent meningococcal vaccine shows promise in phase 2 trial
  28. Plant-based and pescatarian diets may lower odds for severe COVID-19
  29. Platelet-rich plasma shows limited efficacy in hair growth restoration in alopecia areata
  30. Q&A: The ‘urgent need’ for outpatient COVID-19 treatments
  31. Researchers identify biomarkers for infliximab response in pediatric patients with CD
  32. Review shows 'most convincing efficacy profile' for numerous youth psychiatric disorders
  33. Ropivacaine shows ‘clear advantage’ vs bupivacaine for spinal anesthesia during THA
  34. Smartphone app collects data on migraine triggers, medications from 600,000 users
  35. Swapping animal protein for plant-based dinner may reduce CV risk by 10%
  36. Top in cardiology: Physical activity recommendation, icosapent ethyl treatment
  37. Updated office appearance improves patients’ perception of care
  38. VIDEO: Be aware of risk factors for genetic corneal diseases
  39. VIDEO: Record attendance at Kiawah Eye attests to need for in-person meetings
  40. Vinorelbine extends PFS in relapsed malignant pleural mesothelioma