June 30, 2021 Articles
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- ‘Extreme’ price increases of antiparasitics tied to higher treatment costs
- AF risk elevated among patients with cancer; degree depends on cancer type
- AGTC reports positive biologic signs in 12-month data for achromatopsia candidate
- AKI more common, severe in patients with COVID-19 vs influenza
- Arteriovenous access types demonstrate similar risk profiles
- Aurion Biotech names Holland as chief medical advisor
- BLOG: Mentorship in ophthalmology
- CDC reports 80% declines in breast, cervical cancer screenings during start of pandemic
- Chlormethine gel shows safety, efficacy in mycosis fungoides cutaneous T-cell lymphoma
- Convalescent plasma shows survival benefit for patients with blood cancer, COVID-19
- Cutting daily calorie intake reduces fat mass better than alternate-day fasting
- Direct thrombectomy, bridging therapy confer similar functional outcomes in stroke
- Evidence does not support favoring sevoflurane use for electroconvulsive therapy
- Excellence in epidemiology: A conversation with Nicholas J. Wareham, MD, MPH
- Exservan now available in the United States for patients with ALS
- FDA approves Restylane Contour cheek fillers
- Glucose variability predicts HCC in patients with diabetes
- Guselkumab sustains improvements in PsA with sacroiliitis through 1 year
- HBV vaccine demonstrates encouraging results in early clinical trials
- Infection most frequent complication with megaprostheses in patients with bone tumors
- Infection preventionists’ journals give behind-the-scenes look at pandemic
- More alcohol policies lead to lower alcohol-related liver disease in Latin American countries
- Neuroactive steroid pill reduces postpartum depression symptoms in 2 weeks
- Patients with pediatric hip disease may have low mortality risk after THA
- Patients with SARS-CoV-2 alpha variant do not carry more virus in upper respiratory tract
- PCI may benefit high-risk patients with spontaneous coronary artery dissection
- Planning, options necessary in treating pregnant women with psoriasis
- Q&A: AAPA seeks 'physician associate' title change despite opposition from AMA
- Q&A: PIDS launches vaccine education app to combat misinformation, hesitancy
- Researchers identify factors that drive successful reductions in cesarean delivery rates
- Routine bloodborne virus testing integrates feasibly, effectively, sustainably in UK EDs
- SCORED/SOLOIST: Dual inhibitor provides benefits in type 2 diabetes and heart failure, CKD
- Southern diet may elevate risk for sudden cardiac death
- Study links asthma in childhood with negative long-term effects on socioeconomic status
- Tocilizumab plus prednisone reduces treatment failure risk sixfold in giant cell arteritis
- Top in endocrinology: Add-on PPI therapy, tirzepatide for type 2 diabetes
- VIDEO: Physician provides steps to begin fitting scleral lenses