
September 01, 2020 Articles

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  1. 45% of teens who vape are ‘seriously’ considering quitting, survey finds
  2. American College of Sports Medicine releases guide for pain management in youth athletes
  3. APA updates practice guideline for treating patients with schizophrenia
  4. Atypical femur fracture data support bisphosphonate ‘drug holiday’ after 5 years
  5. Data predict future rising costs for people with type 2 diabetes
  6. ESC: Cardiac evaluation, follow-up critical in athletic participants with CVD
  7. Fatima Cody Stanford, MD, MPA, MPH, FAAP, FACP, FAHA, FTOS
  8. FDA approves artificial pancreas for young children with type 1 diabetes
  9. FDA approves Onureg for AML in first remission
  10. FDA grants priority review to oral paclitaxel regimen for metastatic breast cancer
  11. HIV, STI testing outside of clinics increases uptake with minimal risks
  12. Hydroxychloroquine offers neither benefit nor harm for COVID-19 mortality
  13. IMPACT-AFib: Drug initiation strategy in AF fails, but trial design sparks interest
  14. Inability to experience pleasure varies across psychiatric disorders
  15. Long-term tildrakizumab beneficial in treating plaque psoriasis
  16. Mass testing in correctional facilities identifies more than 7,000 COVID-19 cases
  17. Medicare to cover integrated CGM system for beneficiaries with diabetes
  18. Netildex gel meets primary endpoint
  19. No clinical benefit of ACE inhibitor, ARB suspension in mild to moderate COVID-19
  20. OCT angiography effective for managing neurodegenerative disorders, but challenges remain
  21. Partners aid in successful lifestyle interventions after ACS, revascularization
  22. Patients with arthritis, depression more likely to be unemployed
  23. Peer gives tips for making the most of fellowship
  24. Pulmonary vascular dilation may cause hypoxemia in COVID-19-related pneumonia
  25. REALITY trial supports restrictive blood transfusion strategy in patients with MI, anemia
  26. Sleep society calls for elimination of daylight saving time
  27. Speaker addresses ‘revolving door’ in maintaining patients on home dialysis
  28. Speaker: Patient preferences can aid FDA in advancing new dialysis devices
  29. SS-OCT more accurate in identifying glaucoma defect than SD-OCT
  30. Stand Up To Cancer receives grant to reduce disparities in research
  31. Study of secondary COVID-19 cases underscores importance of physical distancing
  32. Top in ID: Convalescent plasma, COVID-19 vs. 1918 flu pandemic
  33. Top pulmonology news in August: COVID-19 and air quality, vitamin D for asthma and more
  34. Transoral robotic surgery linked to survival benefit in early-stage oropharyngeal cancer
  35. Two triaging strategies equally safe for facilitating outpatient care of acute PE
  36. VIDEO: No ‘hard-to-reach’ patients in HCV, just ‘hardly reached’
  37. Virtual reality simulators may improve procedural accuracy compared with technique guides