July 21, 2020 Articles
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- AACR forum confronts racism, inequality in research
- AI can act as partner to ophthalmologists
- BLOG: Red light, yellow light, green light medicine
- Can artificial intelligence help reduce disparities in medical care?
- Capryloyl glycine cream reduces hair growth in female patients compared with placebo
- Clinical practice may benefit from FFR-CT for CAD evaluations
- COVID-19 infection linked to acute neurological, psychiatric complications
- Cryptosporidiosis: An infection in need of new treatments
- CV risk assessment before noncardiac surgery may predict perioperative outcomes
- DAAs lower risk for death among patients with HCV, regardless of cirrhosis
- Docetaxel regimen confers shorter DFS, OS for women with breast cancer and elevated BMI
- Extension study shows efficacy of cyclosporine in treatment of vernal keratoconjunctivitis
- FDA approves next-generation LAA closure device for nonvalvular AF
- FDA approves non-opioid capsaicin pain patch for diabetic neuropathy
- Fish consumption may offset effects of air pollution on women’s brains
- Flu vaccination ‘a professional and ethical responsibility’ for all HCWs
- Gum disease linked to higher risk for gastric, esophageal cancers
- Healthy lifestyles enable survivors to enjoy living instead of fear dying
- Higher medication adherence improves health-related quality of life in sarcoidosis
- Hooked on ID with Debra Goff, PharmD, FIDSA, FCCP
- Increasing dose of aflibercept may be beneficial in refractory AMD
- Inhaled interferon beta shows promise for severe COVID-19
- Intense pulsed light, gland expression may reduce dry eye symptoms
- Intercalary allograft reconstruction showed positive long-term outcomes
- Is there a standard of care for dry eye?
- Levothyroxine fails to improve LV function in subclinical hypothyroidism, acute MI
- Low incidence of SARs-CoV-2 among IBD patients on biologic therapy
- Machine learning analysis reveals less diverse microbiome in children with type 1 diabetes
- Many psychiatrists experience burnout and depression
- Norlase granted CE mark for Leaf laser
- Not every cough is COVID
- NSAIDs help reduce CME rate after cataract surgery
- Pandemic spurs paradigm shift in artificial intelligence
- Patient sex, race may impact decision-making for heart transplant, VAD allocation
- Patients with CKD debate value of meat, plant-based meals
- Physicians need to mitigate risk with compounded drugs
- Practical advice for rheumatologists managing dermatologic manifestations of lupus
- Real-world data show efficacy of PPIs in EoE
- Researchers report ‘extremely encouraging’ COVID-19 vaccine data
- Rituximab successfully re-induces remission after ANCA-associated vasculitis relapse
- Safety performance of EHRs vary widely
- Should hospitals fire HCWs who refuse to get vaccinated against flu?
- Side effects key reason for discontinuation of eyelash growth serum
- Small increase in capsulorrhexis diameter makes big difference in cataract surgery
- Somebody needs to mute themselves: A commentary on virtual tumor conferences
- Speaker addresses increase in COVID-19 cases, outlines procedures of VA Medical Center
- Study: Adults with chronic low back pain should be willing to try yoga, physical therapy
- Telehealth a popular option for eye care during COVID-19 pandemic
- Top in ID: COVID-19 hospital data, traveling procedures
- Transformed indolent lymphoma benefits from stem cell transplant at first remission
- Trichinellosis: A rare parasitic infection
- Triple therapy has comparable results in relapsed/refractory B-cell lymphoma
- Woman referred for blurred vision, retro-orbital headache
- Women with PCOS have high pregnancy, live birth rates after bariatric surgery