
June 17, 2020 Articles

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  1. ‘Let doctors be doctors’: New AMA president discusses priorities
  2. 1 in 10 patients continue prescription opioid use long after cardiac surgery
  3. Absolute PASI thresholds maintained after certolizumab pegol for plaque psoriasis
  4. Acalabrutinib produces durable remissions, long-term tolerability in treatment-naive CLL
  5. American Thoracic Society calls for moratorium on tear gas use during COVID-19 pandemic
  6. Anterior, posterior approaches for outpatient THA yielded similar outcomes
  7. Anti-CD19 CAR-T cells trigger durable remissions of CLL, B-cell lymphoma
  8. Azithromycin confers twofold greater 5-day CV mortality risk vs. amoxicillin
  9. BLOG: COVID — three immediate action steps
  10. Children’s Hospital Colorado ranked top hospital for pediatric GI, GI surgery
  11. CHOW NOW
  12. CPX-351 produces long-term remission in older patients with AML
  13. DFN-15 safe, effective in episodic migraine
  15. Endocrine Society holds vigil, moment of silence for racial injustice
  16. Fasting guidelines may not affect procedural sedation, complications in pediatric patients
  17. FDA approves biosimilar insulin glargine
  18. FDA approves Keytruda for tumor mutational burden-high solid tumors
  19. FDA expands approval of secukinumab for nonradiographic axial spondyloarthritis
  20. FDA grants fast track designation to Onivyde for advanced pancreatic cancer
  21. FDA warns MediNatura against 'potentially toxic' homeopathic injectables for joint disease
  22. From words to actions to change: How medicine, academia can respond to racial injustice
  23. Gemtuzumab ozogamicin plus venetoclax shows promise in relapsed, refractory AML
  24. Hard-to-treat multiple myeloma responds to novel CELMoD agent
  25. Higher BMI may benefit survival in myeloma
  26. How did rheumatology wind up in the cytokine storm?
  27. Infective endocarditis confers poor outcomes after TAVR
  28. Intravitreal injections of anti-HtrA1 well tolerated in patients with geographic atrophy
  29. Ixazomib maintenance prolongs PFS in non-ASCT multiple myeloma
  30. LATIN
  31. Novel drugs, new targets expand options for lipid management
  33. Older age, diabetes prolong onychomycosis cure
  34. Ophthalmic societies protest use of rubber bullets, tear gas on citizens
  35. P2X3 receptor antagonist shows promise for treatment of refractory chronic cough
  36. Patient-reported outcomes may predict overall survival in AML
  37. Pembrolizumab improves PFS vs. brentuximab vedotin in classical Hodgkin lymphoma
  38. Phase 2 trial to assess natural killer cell therapy regimen for advanced pancreatic cancer
  39. Phase 2 trial to assess natural killer cell therapy regimen for advanced pancreatic cancer
  40. PHQ-2 screening followed by PHQ-9 may provide accurate depression detection
  43. PROs better for measuring toxicities than patient satisfaction
  44. Q&A: Hospitalization fears in US common amid COVID-19 pandemic
  45. Q&A: Should children be included in COVID-19 vaccine trials?
  46. Rapid steroid tapering appears safe in myeloma treated with daratumumab
  47. Selinexor could be new ‘backbone’ in myeloma treatment
  48. Shelter from the cytokine storm: The changing role for rheumatology in COVID-19
  49. Simulation-based study shows cost-effectiveness of teleretinal screening for DR
  50. Sleep apnea and CVD: The need for collaboration
  51. Specific traits among adolescents increase risk for gun use
  52. Substituting red meat with alternate dietary proteins may reduce kidney disease risk
  53. Survey reveals ‘knowledge gaps’ in coronary artery disease screening pre-kidney transplant
  54. Survey shows ‘clear gap’ in US tick surveillance, control
  55. Systematic, test-guided TB treatment result in similar outcomes
  56. Top in endocrinology: Highlights from American Diabetes Association meeting
  57. Unnecessary antibiotic prescribing decreases in ambulatory care settings over 5-year period
  58. VENUS
  60. VIDEO: ‘Significant’ findings in HER2CLIMB trial
  61. VIDEO: Effect of shorter time to treatment for patients in rural areas
  62. VIDEO: Investigational antibody-drug conjugate shows promise in breast cancer