
June 12, 2020 Articles

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  1. 80% of Americans intend to regularly practice self-care after COVID-19 pandemic
  2. An ‘urgent need’: Steps to increase black participation in diabetes clinical trials
  3. Anti-contagion interventions prevented up to 62 million confirmed cases of COVID-19
  4. Body temperature rise following meals curtailed in obesity
  5. CDC survey finds most respondents support COVID-19 prevention measures
  6. Climbing athletes may be at risk for distinct traumatic mechanisms of knee injury
  7. Clinical education intervention does not reduce antipsychotic prescribing in nursing homes
  8. Clinicians look at predictors for kidney disease among children
  9. Comprehensive intervention reduces CV risk in adults with mental illness
  10. COVID-19 pandemic affects rates of patients in urgent CV care
  11. Curcumin no better than placebo for postoperative Crohn’s recurrence
  12. FDA approves dispersible tablet formulation of Tivicay for HIV in infants, children
  13. FDA approves Uplizna for neuromyelitis optica spectrum disorder
  14. Financial guide to re-open practices and seek loan forgiveness
  15. IDSA: Proposed withdrawal from WHO is ‘deadly and wrong’
  16. Insurance status linked to survival benefit in cancer treatment trials
  17. Is asymptomatic spread common in COVID-19?
  18. Low-dose radiation after transoral resection effective in HPV-related oropharynx cancer
  19. Masitinib reduces asthma exacerbations in uncontrolled severe asthma
  20. Nivolumab regimen improves OS in metastatic non-small cell lung cancer
  21. Obstructive sleep apnea-hypopnea syndrome may have predisposition for evaporative dry eye
  22. Pandemic’s indirect impact on maternal, child health may outweigh deaths from virus
  23. Prolonged rituximab linked to lower ANCA-associated vasculitis relapse
  24. Q&A: Navigating neurological consequences of COVID-19
  25. SARS-CoV-2 infection-related liver function abnormality linked to longer hospital stay
  26. Stress may drive type 2 diabetes incidence among young adult immigrants
  27. Studies considering age more likely to link IOP with myopia
  28. Study shows terlipressin improves kidney function in hepatorenal syndrome
  29. The Take Home: HRS
  30. Top in GI: Colorectal cancer in IBD, clinical hypnosis and Crohn’s disease
  31. Topical calcineurin inhibitors may be effective in pediatric periorificial dermatitis
  32. VIDEO: Female physicians more likely to order pap smears, mammograms, colonoscopies
  33. VIDEO: Use of carboplatin-taxane effective, less toxic in certain breast cancers
  34. We must actively work to diversify our profession