
July 31, 2019 Articles

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  1. 1 in 10 older adults binge drink
  2. 5 stories you may have missed in July
  3. BP control poorer in low-income vs. high-income populations
  4. Clinical uptake of new anti-CRE agents ‘steady but slow’
  5. Clozapine tied to better effectiveness outcomes than other second-generation antipsychotics
  6. Combination therapy use unchanged in IBD despite benefits
  7. DaVita Health Solutions appoints new leadership members
  8. Embrace the opportunities negative reviews bring
  9. Endocrine Society: Most adults should be screened for metabolic risk
  10. Estimated global prevalence of latent TB about 25%
  11. FDA approves Keytruda for recurrent squamous cell carcinoma of the esophagus
  12. FDA approves Nubeqa for prostate cancer subset
  13. Fibroid tumors: What PCPs need to know
  14. Filaggrin gene loss-of-function variants differ by race in children with atopic dermatitis
  15. Geographic region impacts high-intensity statin use after MI
  16. Gout flare patterns vary greatly among patients
  17. Graft ruptures increased in ACL reconstruction with allograft-augmented autografts
  18. Higher prevalence of aneurysms found with autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease
  19. Hyperkalemia - ECG
  20. Ibrutinib plus rituximab 'more effective and less toxic' than chemoimmunotherapy for chronic lymphocytic leukemia
  21. Kids largely affected in backyard poultry Salmonella outbreak
  22. LCA10 trial of CRISPR genome editing treatment initiated
  23. Lupus heterogeneity tops list of global barriers to advancing care
  24. Patients with diabetes, ideal CV health have no excess CVD risk
  25. Pregnancy, preeclampsia linked to higher risk for transfusion reactions
  26. Q&A: Insights from recreating the 1918 flu virus
  27. Quality improvement initiative boosts HSV guideline adherence to 80%
  28. RECOVERY trial looks at retinal nonperfusion area with monthly, quarterly aflibercept
  29. Routine mealtimes, preprandial insulin help children with type 1 diabetes achieve glycemic targets
  30. Sleep disorder may impact health care visits for patients with low back pain
  31. Strategies to help prevent infanticide, suicide in postpartum psychosis
  32. TARGET: Urine can be used to measure recent PrEP, ART adherence
  33. Think sponsorship over mentorship to help advance careers in dermatology
  34. Tight glycemic targets, insulin use increase fracture risk among older men with type 2 diabetes
  35. Top stories in endocrinology: Europe, FDA reach different conclusions on SGLT inhibitors for type 1 diabetes, chemicals replacing BPA in plastics may increase childhood obesity risk
  36. Trump administration to allow Canadian drugs to be imported
  37. VIDEO: Abicipar pegol inflammation reduced in MAPLE study
  38. VIDEO: Review finds visual improvements in anti-VEGF for diabetic retinopathy