
May 28, 2019 Articles

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  1. ‘Platelet decoys’ may lower blood clot risk, prevent cancer metastasis
  2. 6 points to consider when purchasing disability insurance
  3. Alignment of patient and provider priorities could improve overall dialysis experience
  4. Antibiotic prescriptions for teens with STIs are infrequently filled
  5. APA poll reveals Americans’ views on anxiety, workplace mental health, social media
  6. Artificial pancreas meets real-world goals for effective diabetes management
  7. Atopic dermatitis causes more missed school days among Black, Hispanic children
  8. Behavioral therapy, exercise improves depression in type 2 diabetes
  9. Billions of dollars potentially at stake as Johnson & Johnson stands trial for alleged role in opioid epidemic
  10. Common polymorphism responsible for HCV genotype 3 resistance to Sovaldi
  11. Congenital Chagas disease affects up to 5% of infants born to infected mothers in US
  12. EHR-based 72-hour time-out reduces antibiotic therapy duration
  13. Fasting lipid levels not more accurate in predicting cardiovascular risk
  14. FDA approves Revlimid-based regimen for previously treated follicular, marginal zone lymphoma
  15. FDA clears novel smartphone-controlled migraine treatment device
  16. FDA guidelines for cancer drug approval may need reevaluation
  17. Golimumab efficacy maintained through 1 year in AS
  18. ImpACT24-B: Novel stimulation therapy safely treats acute ischemic stroke
  19. In study, many cancer patients prescribed unnecessary antibiotics
  20. In vitro fertilization may increase risk for peripartum cardiomyopathy
  21. Increased use drives cannabis hyperemesis syndrome rates, not legalization
  22. Mediterranean diet: What you need to know
  23. More than 800,000 cholera vaccines to be given in Congo, WHO says
  24. MPFL reconstruction yielded low redislocation, instability rates at early follow-up
  25. New-generation trifocal and EDOF lenses simplify choices, expand indications
  26. Patients with high tension glaucoma progressed faster than primary angle closure
  27. Patients with suspected GPA should be assessed for cardiac involvement
  28. Physician burnout costs $4.6 billion each year
  29. Premature menopause affects physical functioning in women
  30. Recreational athletes’ steroid misuse continues despite knowledge of adverse effects
  31. Risk tools for AF inadequate in PCI population
  32. Significantly higher incidence of cancer shown in CKD population
  33. Statin use linked to reduced colorectal cancer mortality
  34. Stelara effective for induction, maintenance of UC regardless of biologic history
  35. Top stories in infectious disease: CDC recommends against annual TB screening in health care personnel, some UTI treatments unnecessary after 7 days
  36. Two-year analysis demonstrates long-term safety, efficacy of benralizumab in severe asthma
  37. VIDEO: Centration on visual axis crucial in cataract surgery
  38. VIDEO: Premium IOL combination matched to patient expectations provides superior outcomes
  39. WHO adds burnout to ICD-11
  40. Women in Ophthalmology to focus on leadership, diversity and science at Summer Symposium