
May 20, 2019 Articles

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  1. A 19-year-old woman with hip pain 5 years after previous femoral head microfracture
  2. Activity trackers help predict IBD relapse
  3. Add-on benralizumab not linked to lower exacerbation rates in COPD
  4. Add-on code allows billing for Zepto-guided visual axis centration
  5. Add-on pimavanserin shows efficacy in major depression
  6. Approximately 1 in 5 kids never wears a helmet bike riding
  7. Bariatric surgery does not increase likelihood of liver transplantation in NASH
  8. BLOG: A set of rules for practicing by
  9. Breastfeeding at least 6 months may prevent maternal subclinical atherosclerosis
  10. Cannabis use increases among patients with inflammatory bowel disease
  11. CDC registry aims to shed light on cancer risk among firefighters
  12. City of Hope provost admitted into Association of American Physicians
  13. Close follow-up in EoE means fewer strictures
  14. Collaboration key to meet patients’ needs
  15. Components of Mediterranean diet can be individualized for goal attainment
  16. Cooking classes improve diet adherence, quality of life in celiac
  17. Early sedation with dexmedetomidine fails to lower mortality vs. usual care: SPICE III
  18. Enter the whales, part 1
  19. Few knee replacement constructs found to be noninferior to contemporary benchmark
  20. Fracture risk 73% higher after Roux-en-Y gastric bypass than adjustable gastric banding
  21. Gauge expected outcomes before conducting penetrating keratoplasty
  22. Genetic testing may offer diagnostic advantage at lipid clinics
  23. Glucocorticoid use tied to increased risk for infection in patients with RA after arthroplasty
  24. Golimumab reduces PsA signs, symptoms through one year
  25. Health care cost data, documentation of medical necessity affect reimbursement, legal claims
  26. How Game of Thrones explores morality, cognitive dissonance
  27. Imaging agent effectively detects, localizes tumors in Cushing’s syndrome
  28. Increasing tocilizumab dose interval reduces chance of maintaining remission in RA
  29. Incremental uveal tumor growth increases metastatic risk
  30. Inequitable outcomes after Graves’ disease treatment for indigenous population, Europeans
  31. Integrated physical medicine may improve outcomes, reduce cost in musculoskeletal care
  32. IV antibiotics associated with worse outcomes in patients with heart failure
  33. LASIK surprises and how to avoid them
  34. Little variation in hospital readmission rates among PCPs
  35. Maintain integrity from the podium
  36. Manage student loan debt at every stage of a career
  37. Mediterranean diet may prevent depression in older age
  38. Mild asthma may not require daily inhaled corticosteroids
  39. MRE links liver stiffness, CVD risk in patients with type 2 diabetes
  40. Nintedanib slows loss of pulmonary function in systemic sclerosis-associated interstitial lung disease
  41. No benefit in longer treatment for SSTIs in patients with obesity, heart failure
  42. Nontraditional risk factors beneficial in CVD screening for South Asians in US
  43. Optometric integration and scope of practice still disputed
  44. Orthopedic surgeons seek alternatives to opioid prescribing
  45. Pedaling-based protocol after TKR seen as superior to 10-exercise, non-pedaling protocol
  46. Pembrolizumab safe, active in advanced cervical cancer
  47. Physician burnout: Focus on the environment, not the individual
  48. Precision medicine ‘can now be a reality’ for hard-to-treat pediatric cancers
  49. Should an ophthalmology practice employ optometrists?
  50. Similar efficacy seen for one-stage revision THR, two-stage revision THR for PJI
  51. Single vision spectacles for progressing myopes is not best practice
  52. Statins may partially abate risk for dementia in concussed patients
  53. Study shows OCTA detects changes in diabetic eyes sooner than OCT
  54. Suture fixation secures dislocated IOL to iris
  55. TNF inhibitor use prior to IBD surgery does not increase postoperative infection risks
  56. Top stories in cardiology: No difference between dabigatran, aspirin for stroke prevention; pulsed field ablation safe
  57. Transtibial pullout meniscal root repair uses tensionable anchor
  58. Triclabendazole MDA ‘virtually’ eradicates human fascioliasis in Bolivia
  59. Trump administration’s latest challenge to Affordable Care Act rests on shaky legal grounds
  60. University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine professor receives NKF award
  61. VARSITY: Entyvio beats Humira in ulcerative colitis
  62. VIDEO: Analyzing speech patterns to measure emotion in bipolar disorder
  63. VIDEO: Bimatoprost SR shows visual field preservation, IOP control
  64. VIDEO: Heidelberg Xtreme winners discuss FLIO technology
  65. VIDEO: Model predicts time to ESRD for patients with autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease
  66. VIDEO: Smartphone apps for serious mental illness
  67. Vitamin D fails to prevent postoperative recurrence in certain patients with Crohn’s disease
  68. What opioid-sparing pain medication that preserves bone healing should be prescribed for patients with fractures?
  69. Woman presents with bilateral eye pain and unilateral hyphema
  70. XDRO registry could reduce spread of CRE, ‘even with modest participation’