February 13, 2019 Articles
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- 5 major themes from the annual J.P. Morgan Healthcare Conference
- ACR provisional criteria tracks modest improvement in childhood SLE
- APA selects Jeffrey Geller as next president-elect
- Bariatric surgery improves BP variability, may decrease resistant hypertension burden
- BCG vaccine scars tied to decline in infant mortality
- Better range of motion, less wear possible with regular use of 32-mm femoral heads
- BLOG: Marketing tactics for 2019
- Causes of 2014 EV-D68 outbreak still unknown
- Chronic inflammation may negatively affect thinking, memory
- Essilor International moves forward with four worldwide acquisitions
- FDA approves daratumumab split-dosing regimen in multiple myeloma
- FDA clears WavelinQ 4F endoAVF system
- Greater adoption seen for tapered wedge stems with cementless femoral fixation
- Gut bacteria associated with depression
- Humira safe, effective in Crohn’s through 6 years
- Insulin pump therapy more costly than daily injections in type 1 diabetes
- John Wayne Cancer Institute appoints executive director
- Left Atrial Myxoma
- Low adherence to statin therapy increases risk for mortality
- Mandatory screening helped stop TB outbreak among Atlanta homeless
- Mild MDMA use may not cause social distress
- Non-patellar problems may be the cause of post-TKA anterior knee pain
- Older donor livers still discarded despite improving mortality outcomes
- Oral complications rare after osteoporosis treatment in older women
- Parental smoking in childhood influences bone parameters in adulthood
- PD-1 blockade may increase risk for, severity of TB infection
- Point-of-care ultrasound shows diagnostic, cost-saving potential
- Presenter discusses technical pearls for lateral unicompartmental knee arthroplasty
- PTSD with other factors increase risk for CVD
- Rate of change in childhood BMI predicts adult obesity risk
- Renal Physicians Association voices concern about impact of Part D changes for transplant patients
- RESCUE: Thoracic stent graft system safe, effective for blunt aortic injury
- Research supports use of Tangible-Hydra PEG coating for scleral lenses in dry eye
- Researchers link genes to AMD
- Smartphone app uses fingernail photos to detect anemia
- TAVR with transcarotid approach safe in patients with severe aortic stenosis
- Teen cannabis use may lead to depression, suicidality later
- Top stories in endocrinology: Roux-en-Y gastric bypass associated with diabetes remission, most with prediabetes not in diabetes prevention programs
- VIDEO: New glaucoma medications changing mechanism of action
- VIDEO: Virtual reality and teleophthalmology could help detect early glaucoma signs
- Weight-bearing Merchant radiograph reliable for assessment of patellar tracking in TKA
- Work-related infectious diseases most common in certain industries
- YouTube videos on prostate cancer often misinformative, outdated