
December 09, 2019 Articles

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  1. AHA: Geriatric syndromes affect care of older patients in cardiac ICU
  2. AI bests non-expert endoscopists in Barrett’s neoplasia detection
  3. Air pollution may increase mortality risk after heart transplantation
  4. Allogeneic HSCT after PD-1 therapy safe, effective in Hodgkin lymphoma
  5. Anti-TNF therapy appears effective after first-line Entyvio in IBD
  6. APAO 2020 Congress early bird registration deadline and visa application
  7. ASH acknowledges three Choosing Wisely Champions for their ‘elegant, implementable strategies’
  8. Bedaquiline-based treatment associated with favorable outcomes in patients with MDR-TB
  9. BLOG: ‘Robust’ data support red LED light therapy for hair growth
  10. BLOG: FDA approves, but payers decide
  11. Carfilzomib linked to increased risk for serious infections in multiple myeloma
  12. Complement inhibition may be effective therapeutic strategy for antiphospholipid syndrome
  13. CPAP improves quality of life in mild OSA
  14. Daratumumab regimen increases response in transplant-eligible multiple myeloma
  15. DNA testing may predict ASD in siblings of individuals with the disorder
  16. Does brushing teeth affect heart health? Read the week’s top stories in cardiology
  17. eGFR decline greater with albuminuria plus normal renal function than nonalbuminuric CKD in diabetes
  18. HCV clearance improves aggressive lymphoma outcomes for African Americans
  19. Health-related QoL less impacted in radiographic vs. nonradiographic axial SpA
  20. High-dose post-transplant cyclophosphamide reduces severe GVHD without affecting relapse
  21. Higher serum albumin, potassium seen in patients who ate during dialysis
  22. IL-12/23 inhibitors linked to lower infection risk than TNF, IL-17 inhibitors in PsA, psoriasis
  23. Joint replacement program may reduce margin for savings vs bundled payment model
  24. Just 41% of eligible kids get MMR vaccine before travel outside US
  25. Micronutrient deficiencies likely underdiagnosed in dermatologic inpatients
  26. One-time liver stiffness measurement can predict decompensation in PSC
  27. Phaco-ELT shows comparable efficacy but longer survival than phaco-aiT
  28. Postnatal CMV associated with failed hearing screen, lower weight in VLBW infants
  29. Proposed legislation to lower drug prices: What clinicians need to know
  30. Q&A: Infection prevention programs as a model for ASPs
  31. Risks associated with alcohol consumption may be exaggerated
  32. Risk-tolerant patients with opioid use disorder more likely to relapse
  33. Second test improves diagnostic accuracy for primary aldosteronism
  34. Similar infection rates found with incisional negative pressure and standard dressings for THA
  35. Study: Gadolinium-enhanced MRI poses low risk of nephrogenic systemic fibrosis
  36. Surgical AVR beneficial in very severe asymptomatic aortic stenosis
  37. Three-agent regimen effective, safe in high-risk smoldering multiple myeloma
  38. VIDEO: ERG can detect retinal ischemia
  39. VIDEO: Spotlight on similarities, differences of obesity- and diabetes-related cancers