
January 21, 2019 Articles

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  1. 10 articles to kick off National Drug and Alcohol Facts Week
  2. 6 recent reports on liver cancer risks, options to reduce odds
  3. A previously healthy, 4-year-old female with unusual skin lesions and mouth sores
  4. Accelerated knee OA characterized by meniscal tears, cartilage loss
  5. Addition of ibrutinib to chemotherapy does not extend PFS in metastatic pancreatic cancer
  6. AGA working group releases guide for pregnant women with IBD
  7. Benefits of FENO-guided asthma management passes from mother to child
  8. Beta-lactam/daptomycin combo does not reduce mortality rates in patients with MSSA bacteremia
  9. Bill Peckham, long-time patient advocate, dies in Seattle
  10. BLOG: How do eplerenone and spironolactone treat CSCR?
  11. BLOG: Serious harm may arise from unreported biotin use
  12. Changes in cancer trial designs after enrollment initiation are common, often unreported
  13. Cost inhibits adoption of SS-OCT
  14. FDA approves ablation catheter for AF
  15. Gestational diabetes plus prepregnancy obesity increases risk for higher infant birth weight
  16. GH therapy improves emotional, social quality of life in children with short stature
  17. MacuLogix releases guide for diagnosing, managing AMD
  18. Men with small, medium AAA require monitoring, not repair
  19. Moderate alcohol consumption increases risk for AF
  20. Nearly 20% of patients with back pain report persistent symptoms, greater health care use
  21. Nivolumab response rates low among some patients with diffuse large B-cell lymphoma
  22. Off-label use of newer P2Y12 inhibitors common in stable ischemic heart disease
  23. Only 1 in 10 patients filled ART prescription after hospital discharge
  24. Ophthalmology community mourns Jack Kanski, author of milestone textbooks
  25. Outpatient overprescribing: ‘Cultural shift’ needed to spare antibiotics
  26. Parents understand cold prevention; most still use unproven strategies
  27. PPI use increases hospitalization risk in children with problems initiating swallowing
  28. Pregabalin effective for treating pain, bloating, diarrhea in IBS
  29. Prinston Pharmaceutical recalls irbesartan for impurity in active pharmaceutical ingredient
  30. Renal transplantation improves survival in lupus nephritis
  31. Select skilled nursing facilities may increase cost of care after TKA
  32. Social intervention in Brazil increases rate of TB cure by 7.6%
  33. Soft drink consumption during, after exercise in heat leads to AKI
  34. Top stories in cardiology: FDA panel asserts febuxostat benefits outweigh CV risks, short sleep time increases atherosclerosis risk
  35. Use of supplements in pediatrics: What are your patients taking?
  36. Valbenazine shows sustained improvement in tardive dyskinesia
  37. Video game enhances sensory, motor stimuli in children with ASD
  38. VIDEO: Abusive head trauma and the role of the ophthalmologist
  39. VIDEO: Former prosecutor details 5 questions that determine an investigation
  40. VIDEO: New RPE cell-based treatments in development for dry AMD
  41. VIDEO: Panelists discuss their ‘sleepless nights’ in ophthalmic practice management
  42. VIDEO: Patients with obesity should be optimized before THA, TKA to reduce complication risks
  43. VIDEO: Studies help determine which premium IOLs to use
  44. Wheat oral immunotherapy shows promise
  45. Younger cancer survivors particularly vulnerable to financial hardship