
August 21, 2018 Articles

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  1. AAKP announces plan to join research efforts to develop artificial kidney
  2. ABB Optical Group appoints Burke as CEO
  3. Antibiotics effectively treat pediatric wet cough
  4. Apatinib shows promise for ovarian cancer
  5. Appropriate language in clinical settings beneficial in diabetes care
  6. Better CV health associated with lower risk for dementia, cognitive decline
  7. BLOG: Cequa sees the sun: A branded cyclosporine A joins the fray
  8. CDC: US in danger of not meeting many cancer screening goals
  9. Childbirth rates among Hodgkin lymphoma survivors match the general population
  10. CT/MRI LI-RADS update meets AASLD liver cancer guidance
  11. Dementia drugs often prescribed longer than evidence supports
  12. FAME Trial
  13. FDA approves Grifols’ blood screening assay for Zika virus
  14. FDA extends EpiPen expiration date to mitigate shortages
  15. Glutamine supplements improve symptoms of postinfectious IBS-D
  16. Higher BMI increases hospitalization risk for PAD, CLI
  17. Hip arthroscopy may improve patient-reported outcomes in recreational golfers
  18. Imaging reveals newly diagnosed SLE involves cardiac impairment
  19. Insurers, unions object to higher ESRD costs to pay for opioid treatment
  20. More than 900,000 substandard vaccines produced in China
  21. Natural killer cells as effective as, less toxic than T cells
  22. New recommendations reflect ‘continued evolution’ of cervical cancer screening
  23. Note to women in ophthalmology: ‘It is your time’
  24. Past Due, Part 2
  25. Post-HCV therapy liver cancer risk models reduce excess screening
  26. Psoriasis increases risk for lymphoma, skin cancer
  27. PTSD increases risk for mortality in men with HFrEF
  28. Regeneron, Teva announce fasinumab yielded positive results in study of knee, hip OA
  29. Researchers ‘concerned’ about effectiveness of baby monitors measuring vital signs
  30. Salivary gland ultrasound predictive in more severe Sjögren's cases
  31. Sequential amisulpride, clozapine may lead to remission in early schizophrenia
  32. Simtuzumab ineffective in phase 2b trials for NASH-related fibrosis
  33. Smoking, male sex linked to postoperative Crohn’s recurrence
  34. STAAR Surgical posts quarterly income
  35. Stigma complicates online interactions in diabetes community
  36. Study determines rosacea is drastically underdiagnosed
  37. Top stories in infectious disease: Fluoroquinolones remain popular as UTI treatment despite warning, CDC warns about bacteria from dog saliva
  38. VIDEO: WIO lecturers surround selves with trusted teams, families
  39. WHO updates treatment guidelines for multidrug-resistant TB