
May 22, 2018 Articles

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  1. AAP recommends flu shot vs. nasal spray vaccine for children
  2. Air pollution may function as endocrine disruptor in boys
  3. APA poll reports America’s opinions on anxiety, gun violence, opioids
  4. ASCO updates fertility preservation guidelines
  5. Brain structure of transgender teens resembles their desired gender
  6. Calculation of noninvasive functional SYNTAX score feasible, accurate
  7. CARPREG II: Pregnancy confers morbidity risk in women with heart disease
  8. CreakyJoints releases patient-centered gout guidelines
  9. Deadly Nipah virus outbreak hits southern India
  10. Diet, exercise intervention improves outcomes for men undergoing androgen deprivation therapy
  11. Disseminated intravascular coagulation linked to increased hospital deaths in Still's disease
  12. Excess venous thromboembolism prophylaxis common among low-, high-risk patients
  13. Experimental MERS treatment enters early-stage clinical trial
  14. FAME 2: FFR-guided PCI leads to better outcomes than medical therapy in stable CAD
  15. FDA approves denosumab for glucocorticoid-induced osteoporosis
  16. FDA seeks permanent injunctions against two stem cell clinics
  17. Frequent colorectal cancer follow-up does not improve recurrence, survival
  18. Hemianopia leads to difficulty viewing video
  19. Higher levels of abdominal fat may predict vitamin D deficiency
  20. Hospital adverse events decline after routine contact precautions removed
  21. Improvements maintained after posterior vertebral column resection for severe spinal deformity
  22. LAA closure during cardiac surgery lowers long-term stroke, mortality risk
  23. Less severe neurodevelopmental impairments experienced by preterm neonates
  24. Light smokers more likely than past heavy smokers to develop lung disease
  25. Morbidity burden identifies testicular cancer survivors who need close monitoring
  26. Most severe alcoholic hepatitis transplant patients achieve 1-year survival
  27. New drug may protect celiac patients from inadvertent gluten exposure
  28. Normal ALT levels during HBV therapy improves outcomes
  29. Novel wipes may offer easy, comfortable treatment for blepharitis before cataract surgery
  30. Nucala demonstrates long-term safety, efficacy for asthma
  31. Oral blue dye tablet increases adenoma detection in colonoscopy
  32. ORBITA analysis: FFR, iFR may predict PCI effect on stress echo ischemia
  33. Patients spend more time in early stages of CKD than in later stages
  34. Proposed ICD-11 criteria may lead to fewer PTSD diagnoses
  35. Providence Medical Technology receives FDA 510(k) clearance for spinal system
  36. Rheumatic adverse effects of immune checkpoint therapy 'poorly recognized' in studies
  37. Study finds NovaTears increases tear film, lipid layer thickness
  38. Tear Film Innovations completes Series B funding
  39. Top stories in infectious disease: new rabies test to replace ‘gold standard,’ journal retracts paper questioning safety of HPV vaccine
  40. Unnecessary antibiotic use in patients with asthma may increase hospital stay, cost
  41. US cancer deaths continue to decline
  42. USPSTF: Insufficient evidence to screen children for preventing abuse, neglect
  43. VIDEO: As research goes on, MIGS offers more options
  44. Walking, biking to work lowers risk for fatal heart disease
  45. What the PCP needs to know about MS diagnosis, treatment, and adherence