March 07, 2018 Articles
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- ACC.18 focuses on innovation in CV treatment, education
- Alcon to increase awareness of digital eyestrain
- Anterior, posterior approaches yielded similar functional outcomes after THA
- Bariatric surgery linked to increased risk for IBD
- Blacks largest US group with HIV PrEP indications
- BLOG: Are you a doctor?
- Breast cancer incidence higher in women with schizophrenia
- CDC links pet guinea pigs to multistate Salmonella outbreak
- CDC: ED opioid overdoses rise 30%
- Center-level variances affect pediatric liver transplant offer acceptance
- Cheapest glaucoma therapies unaffordable in developing countries
- Clinician recommends dual treatment for corneal ulcers
- Combining hemodialysis and peritoneal dialysis therapy offers improved outcomes
- Consensus recommendations aim to align management of immunotherapy side effects
- CV mortality risk threefold higher among younger patients with RA
- Daily therapy superior to intermittent for TB in patients with HIV
- Early reoperation after THA yielded higher risk for infection, wound complications
- Essential amino acid supplementation associated with improved TKA recovery
- Extended oral antibiotic prophylaxis reduced 90-day infection rate in select TJA patients
- FDA approves first-ever tests to screen for tickborne parasites
- Flow through one, two repaired veins in single-digit replants linked with better survival
- FTC workshop on contact lens marketplace takes place today
- Glaucomatous eyes have higher rate of laser capsulotomy after phaco
- Guidelines may lead to underscreening for breast cancer among minority women
- Icelandic HCV elimination program treats majority of viremic population
- Incidence of cervical sprains, fractures due to sport differ between men, women
- Lesotho nears 90-90-90 goal; HIV prevalence still high
- Limb salvage surgery for non-metastatic sarcomas may improve patient-reported outcomes
- Low vitamin D tied to zoledronic acid reaction in postmenopausal women
- Majority of patients, caregivers report barriers in JIA medication adherence
- Maternal tenofovir disoproxil fumarate use does not lower HBV transmission
- Medicare reimbursement for orthopedic procedures decreases from 2000 to 2016
- Methylphenidate may be misused, abused among adults in France
- Mode of birth may affect infant BMI at age 1 and 3 years
- Most pediatric oncologists willing to consider medical marijuana for children with cancer
- Novel blood test detects early colorectal cancers, precancerous polyps
- Oliceridine yielded clinically meaningful pain relief vs placebo after bunionectomy
- Omeros posts $53.5 million yearly net loss
- Pain is typical reason for ER, urgent care visits after outpatient carpal tunnel release
- Physical therapy, self-directed exercise yielded similar outcomes for displaced radial head fractures
- Research reveals narrow cost variation for two adult spinal deformity procedures
- Similar pain relief, satisfaction seen with NSAIDs, narcotics vs opioids alone after arthroscopic meniscectomy
- Smallest available heart valve receives FDA approval
- Starting ART at home improves HIV care in Africa
- Stem cell source affects graft-versus-host disease occurrence for leukemia subtypes
- Survey: Most orthopedic trainees lack formal education in documentation, coding
- Teen e-cigarette users exposed to carcinogenic compounds
- Telehealth seen as safe, satisfactory tool for treatment of non-displaced pediatric elbow fractures
- VIDEO: Xen gel stent reduces diurnal IOP fluctuation
- Web-based education may enhance patient satisfaction scores for outpatient orthopedic surgery