
March 07, 2018 Articles

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  1. ACC.18 focuses on innovation in CV treatment, education
  2. Alcon to increase awareness of digital eyestrain
  3. Anterior, posterior approaches yielded similar functional outcomes after THA
  4. Bariatric surgery linked to increased risk for IBD
  5. Blacks largest US group with HIV PrEP indications
  6. BLOG: Are you a doctor?
  7. Breast cancer incidence higher in women with schizophrenia
  8. CDC links pet guinea pigs to multistate Salmonella outbreak
  9. CDC: ED opioid overdoses rise 30%
  10. Center-level variances affect pediatric liver transplant offer acceptance
  11. Cheapest glaucoma therapies unaffordable in developing countries
  12. Clinician recommends dual treatment for corneal ulcers
  13. Combining hemodialysis and peritoneal dialysis therapy offers improved outcomes
  14. Consensus recommendations aim to align management of immunotherapy side effects
  15. CV mortality risk threefold higher among younger patients with RA
  16. Daily therapy superior to intermittent for TB in patients with HIV
  17. Early reoperation after THA yielded higher risk for infection, wound complications
  18. Essential amino acid supplementation associated with improved TKA recovery
  19. Extended oral antibiotic prophylaxis reduced 90-day infection rate in select TJA patients
  20. FDA approves first-ever tests to screen for tickborne parasites
  21. Flow through one, two repaired veins in single-digit replants linked with better survival
  22. FTC workshop on contact lens marketplace takes place today
  23. Glaucomatous eyes have higher rate of laser capsulotomy after phaco
  24. Guidelines may lead to underscreening for breast cancer among minority women
  25. Icelandic HCV elimination program treats majority of viremic population
  26. Incidence of cervical sprains, fractures due to sport differ between men, women
  27. Lesotho nears 90-90-90 goal; HIV prevalence still high
  28. Limb salvage surgery for non-metastatic sarcomas may improve patient-reported outcomes
  29. Low vitamin D tied to zoledronic acid reaction in postmenopausal women
  30. Majority of patients, caregivers report barriers in JIA medication adherence
  31. Maternal tenofovir disoproxil fumarate use does not lower HBV transmission
  32. Medicare reimbursement for orthopedic procedures decreases from 2000 to 2016
  33. Methylphenidate may be misused, abused among adults in France
  34. Mode of birth may affect infant BMI at age 1 and 3 years
  35. Most pediatric oncologists willing to consider medical marijuana for children with cancer
  36. Novel blood test detects early colorectal cancers, precancerous polyps
  37. Oliceridine yielded clinically meaningful pain relief vs placebo after bunionectomy
  38. Omeros posts $53.5 million yearly net loss
  39. Pain is typical reason for ER, urgent care visits after outpatient carpal tunnel release
  40. Physical therapy, self-directed exercise yielded similar outcomes for displaced radial head fractures
  41. Research reveals narrow cost variation for two adult spinal deformity procedures
  42. Similar pain relief, satisfaction seen with NSAIDs, narcotics vs opioids alone after arthroscopic meniscectomy
  43. Smallest available heart valve receives FDA approval
  44. Starting ART at home improves HIV care in Africa
  45. Stem cell source affects graft-versus-host disease occurrence for leukemia subtypes
  46. Survey: Most orthopedic trainees lack formal education in documentation, coding
  47. Teen e-cigarette users exposed to carcinogenic compounds
  48. Telehealth seen as safe, satisfactory tool for treatment of non-displaced pediatric elbow fractures
  49. VIDEO: Xen gel stent reduces diurnal IOP fluctuation
  50. Web-based education may enhance patient satisfaction scores for outpatient orthopedic surgery