October 22, 2018 Articles
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- ‘Alarming’ rate of diabetes complications at diagnosis in underinsured minority populations
- Advance care planning reduces suffering for teens with HIV
- AI-based retinal screening systems may outperform clinicians
- Antiphospholipid antibodies independent risk factor for MI
- B-cell receptor clones predict high risk for rheumatoid arthritis
- BLOG: Device-based treatments for dry eye
- Certain hospital characteristics linked to withdraw from CJR program
- Chemoradiation should remain standard for HPV-positive oropharyngeal cancer
- Children with short stature maintain height gained after GH dose reduction
- Diabetes prevalence reaches 9.7% of U.S. population in 2016 and 2017
- EHR tools improve screening rates, but not universally used
- Exercise alters baroreflex sensitivity in adolescents
- FDA approves Akorn’s bimatoprost solution
- FDA expands approval of Rituxan for two rare forms of vasculitis
- First-line pembrolizumab a new standard for recurrent, metastatic head and neck squamous cell carcinoma
- Frequently eating organic food may lower cancer risk
- GLOBAL LEADERS: Experimental antiplatelet therapy may benefit in ACS, but not in stable CAD
- Good periodontal health confers improved systolic BP with antihypertensive treatment
- Highlights to look forward to at Psych Congress 2018
- High-risk HPV prevalent in American Indian women
- Hollywood exec: Make sure your patients know ‘you expect them to fight’
- How are immigration laws affecting efforts to fight drug-resistant TB?
- Human cases of H7N9 plummet in China after ‘aggressive’ vaccination of poultry
- Intensive BP management may not lead to kidney damage
- Leflunomide noninferior to azathioprine for lupus nephritis
- Lenvatinib plus pembrolizumab effective for thyroid cancer subset
- Lessons from the latest Ebola outbreak in the DRC
- MDHAQ questionnaire effective in identifying fibromyalgia
- MDR-TB: A ‘global public health crisis’
- Measles: No longer gone and forgotten
- MediBeacon receives breakthrough device status for transdermal GFR measurement system
- Nose picking is major source of S. pneumoniae colonization
- Offer acceptance of older donor liver for transplant lowers mortality risk
- Post-hoc analysis supports pembrolizumab’s benefit in recurrent head, neck squamous cell carcinoma
- Psychiatric disorders affect suicide attempt risk regardless of age
- Ravidasvir for HCV added to Chinese FDA priority review list
- Renal denervation trial stopped, but technology may show promise
- Santen initiates phase 3 trials of omidenepag isopropyl for glaucoma, ocular hypertension
- SD-101 plus pembrolizumab induces response in recurrent, metastatic head and neck cancer
- Set realistic timelines to help ensure collaborative care model success
- Short hospital length of stay linked to cirrhosis-related readmission
- Smoking increases risk for HF hospitalization, CV death in HFpEF
- The CORE Institute adds eight orthopedic surgeons to its provider team
- Top stories in cardiology: Sleep duration linked to stroke risk, FDA approves therapy for some patients with heart failure
- Union releases poll results that show Californians favor a limit on dialysis center profits
- Vandetanib shows promise for advanced thyroid cancer
- Vascular ultrasound highly sensitive, specific for large-vessel GCA diagnosis
- Vibrating capsule effective for chronic idiopathic constipation
- VIDEO: Surface Ablation: Pearls and Pitfalls
- VIDEO: Surgical and Medical Therapies for Presbyopia