
February 09, 2017 Articles

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  1. ‘Chemo-brain’ appears prevalent among women with breast cancer
  2. 4SCAR19-modified T cells appear effective in chemotherapy-resistant patients with leukemia
  3. A 7-year-old girl with right elbow pain
  4. AAFP urges Trump to reduce some of its regulatory burden
  5. Addition of cetuximab improves outcomes in KRAS-variant HNSCC
  6. Alirocumab allowed to remain on U.S. market pending completion of appeal
  7. AMA reacts to ruling that blocks Anthem's proposed takeover of Cigna
  8. Ambient air pollution exposure tied to diabetes risk in children with overweight, obesity
  9. Amplitude Surgical acquires a 50% stake in SOFAB Orthopédie
  10. Aspirin fails to improve immune activation in patients receiving ART
  11. Bandage contact lenses effectively treat AKC
  12. BVS show promise in peripheral arteries, but challenges remain
  13. Care redesign will aid in success of medical device companies in CJR model
  14. CBT improves brain structure in social anxiety
  15. CDC: Hearing loss a significant health issue; PCPs play important role in prevention, treatment
  16. COMPASS: Rivaroxaban superior to aspirin for prevention of CV events in patients with CAD, PAD
  17. Do you think patients who are morbidly obese are able to undergo TJR with limited complications? How do you address these patients?
  18. Drug-resistant P. falciparum spreads in Greater Mekong subregion
  19. Elevated BMI correlated with need for early revision TKA for infection
  20. Expert: Patients with concomitant CAD, carotid artery disease should have conditions treated separately
  21. Extended treatment breaks may benefit patients with metastatic renal cell carcinoma
  22. FDA warns of rare, serious allergic reactions with skin antiseptic chlorhexidine gluconate
  23. Genomic alterations similar between black and white patients with lung cancer
  24. Gold standard HCC screening in patients with cirrhosis more cost-effective than real-life monitoring
  25. Good visual quality after LASIK seen with multiaspherical corneoscleral lens
  26. Hair pull test guidelines, including brushing, examined, revised
  27. High TMAO level predicts CV events in patients with ACS
  28. Indoor smoking bans associated with fewer ED visits for asthma among children
  29. Knee joint chondrocalcinosis linked to pain, but not synovitis in patients with OA
  30. Leptin levels tied to weight gain in central precocious puberty
  31. Localized drug delivery with micro-infusion device yields positive outcomes in PAD
  32. Most adults with depression do not support ACA repeal
  33. Net sales for Eylea increased 24% in 2016
  34. NIMH funds study on smartphones for suicide risk assessment
  35. Orthopedists discuss management of athletic hip injuries, part 2
  36. Orthopedists should advise patients who are obese about high risk of complications with TJR
  37. Payment reform, ‘runaway growth’ of 340B top new Community Oncology Alliance president’s priorities
  38. Phase 3 enrollment to begin for Piclidenoson in treatment of RA
  39. Pneumococcal vaccine did not prevent pneumonia in patients with RA
  40. Prenatal adherence to Mediterranean diet may confer cardiometabolic benefit in offspring
  41. pSivida revenue totals $6 million in second fiscal quarter
  42. PUBLICATION EXCLUSIVE: Refractive surgeons look to SMILE into the new year
  43. Put new technology into practice, but understand true outcomes
  44. Researchers provide insight into the 'paradigm shift' of integrating behavior health, primary care
  45. Similar risk of failure after meniscus repair found in patients with high vs normal BMI
  46. Single 8-Gy radiotherapy dose reduces pain from bone metastases
  47. Smoking linked to lower survival in surgically treated colon cancer patients
  48. Tibial tubercle transfer with MPFL reconstruction addresses patellar instability
  49. Treatment should be tailored to each patient
  50. Trulance safe, effective for treatment of chronic idiopathic constipation in adults
  51. VIDEO BLOG: Glued IOL scaffold for dangling subluxated cataract
  52. VIDEO: Dermatologist discusses highlights of new energy-based devices, benefits of cosmeceuticals
  53. VIDEO: Kelly discusses treatment options for glenohumeral degenerative joint disease
  54. VIDEO: Presenter discusses techniques to manage glenohumeral bone loss
  55. VIDEO: Superficial radiation therapy provides safe, aesthetic results for nonmelanoma skin cancer patients
  56. Web-based intervention improves health-related quality of life in metabolic syndrome
  57. Zika vaccine may not be available until 2020