
February 07, 2017 Articles

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  1. BRAF-mutated colorectal cancer confers poor prognosis regardless of other features
  2. ACS endorses two-dose HPV vaccination schedule
  3. Allergan launches See America initiative to fight preventable blindness
  4. Anti-hemophilic factor safely, effectively prevented bleeding during surgery in patients with von Willebrand’s disease
  5. Benefit of endovascular intervention sustained in patients with lower-extremity PAD
  6. Better physician–patient communication needed about costs of cancer care
  7. Biologics for psoriasis may increase risk of squamous cell carcinoma
  8. BLOG: The Magnificent Interstate — From Flint to Indy and Beyond
  9. Current methods for cleaning endoscopes not always effective
  10. Despite requests, many women with breast cancer do not receive genetic tests
  11. E-cigarettes not linked to decline in teen smoking rate
  12. Evidence supports HPV testing as screen for cervical cancer, experts say
  13. Findings support use of intraoperative ultrasound for pediatric patients with tumors
  14. Generational differences in blue light attitudes exist, survey says
  15. Good manufacturing pathway needed for FDA to consider new drug approvals
  16. Higher mortality risk in Barrett's esophagus primarily due to non-esophageal cancers, CV disease
  17. ID organizations voice concern over impact of immigration ban on physicians, ID care
  18. Immunosuppressive therapy, stem cell transplant can lead to long-term remission of MS
  19. Incident diabetes risk tied to weight gain in adulthood
  20. Insertable cardiac monitor procedure safe regardless of setting
  21. Intensive BP control decreases major adverse CV events
  22. Investigate Demodex in blepharitis with itching, short TBUT
  23. Liposomal bupivacaine infiltration likely reduces opioid use after TKA
  24. Low self-efficacy, high diabetes distress associated with poor glycemic control
  25. Low-dose aspirin increases live birth rate in women with low-grade inflammation, pregnancy loss
  26. Mortality rates increase at each stage of fibrosis in NAFLD patients
  27. MrOS: Increased bone marrow fat in older men with diabetes, affects fracture risk
  28. Obesity associated with lower-quality end-of-life care
  29. Online reviews suggest bedside manner, honesty most important in plastic surgery
  30. Organization works to address minority underrepresentation in Alzheimer’s research
  31. Patency important to patients with CLI, but issue complex
  32. Poor metabolic health linked to CRC risk in normal-weight, postmenopausal women
  33. Prolonged new cough in housemates linked to pertussis among infants
  34. PUBLICATION EXCLUSIVE: Man presents with diplopia and ptosis of left eye
  35. Risk stratification essential for acute PE
  36. Six facts to consider for National Black HIV/AIDS Awareness Day
  37. Stelara had higher retention rates than other biologics in patients with psoriasis
  38. Stronger patient-provider relationship improves treatment outcome
  39. Study explores brain connectivity, suicide risk in bipolar disorder
  40. Survey: Most HIV care providers do not prescribe PrEP
  41. Survivors of childhood cancer experience differences in psychosexual development
  42. Tofacitinib for RA showed safety up to 8.5 years
  43. Tofacitinib seen as safe, effective in patients with ankylosing spondylitis
  44. University Hospitals, Case Western researchers win NIH awards
  45. VIDEO: Provencher provides pearls for treatment of anterior shoulder instability
  46. Weaving integrated care into the ESRD model