October 20, 2017 Articles
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- As Guinea residents’ Ebola knowledge improves, misconceptions linger
- Azithromycin, levofloxacin, rifaximin all effective for travelers' diarrhea
- BLOG: It's time to laser the vitreous
- Botulinum toxin improves facial synkinesis symptoms
- Brain glucose levels diminished in obesity, type 2 diabetes during hyperglycemia
- California wildfires may cause hard-to-notice trauma in children
- Celgene halts mongersen trials in Crohn’s disease
- Commercial weight-management program effective for diabetes prevention
- Correction of Presbyopia with Intraocular Lenses: New Options
- Drug-specific videos provide consistent chemotherapy education for patients
- Echo WISELY: Intervention cuts down on ordering of inappropriate echocardiograms
- Enhancement of presbyopic IOLs with refractive surgery
- Evidence supports link between hepatitis E, nerve disorder
- Experts list year’s top findings in menopause, women’s health
- Finessing the Femto Arcuates: Pearls for Intrastromal and Penetrating Incisions
- Free texting service keeps patients’ families updated during cancer surgeries
- Gemini Therapeutics closes $42.5 million in financing
- Genentech completes enrollment in ranibizumab port delivery system trial
- Identifying and treating ectasia following refractive surgery
- Increased risk of ACL reconstruction found among adolescents in level I sports
- Karmanos Cancer Institute president elected to Association of American Cancer Institutes board
- Keratoconus management with corneal cross-linking
- Lay navigators improve quality of cancer care, reduce costs
- Long-acting pasireotide safe, effective for recurrent Cushing’s disease
- Manager mental health training may reduce employee sick days
- Mortality rates reasonable among high-risk EVAR patients
- Most women diagnosed with HIV not linked to care
- New AAFP president: Top priority is ‘administrative burden relief’
- New colonoscopy dye product receives PDUFA date
- New Technologies for Optimizing Caratact Surgery Outcomes
- OptiCon to join Vision Expo in 2018
- Patients with RA had a higher risk of hospitalization for COPD
- Post-transplant squamous cell carcinoma incidence declined in recent years
- Refractive surgery options in the herpes patient
- SCALE: Liraglutide increases health-related quality of life in obesity, prediabetes
- Similar efficacy, safety, immunogenicity seen after patients with RA switched from INF to SB2
- Small incision lenticule extraction
- Smoking rates remain high after PCI, CABG
- Statins may decrease risk for S. aureus bacteremia infection
- Steroid inhaler use increases risk for hard-to-treat lung infections
- Study shows young adults with kidney failure face lower quality of life
- Tdap vaccinations in pregnant women increase by 50%
- Teens often ignorant of energy drink ingredients, potential harms
- The impact of optimizing epithelial removal (and eliminating ETOH) with surface ablation
- Urinary incontinence common among women 12 months postpartum
- VIDEO: Half of gastroenterologists report burnout
- VIDEO: Oxygen plays crucial role in corneal cross-linking
- VIDEO: States have created guidelines to reduce opioid consumption
- Water drinking test could assess progression risk in POAG
- What's in the magic box? Intraoperative aberrometry
- When should we avoid corneal refractive surgery?
- Young adult men lag in hypertension treatment, awareness
- Younger relative age linked to ADHD diagnosis
- Zepto-Capsulotomy Creation