
May 27, 2015 Articles

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  1. $4.9 million grant awarded to support research in retinitis pigmentosa
  2. Animal companions reduce social anxiety in children with ASD
  3. ASDS: Dermatologic surgeons performed 9.5 million procedures in 2014
  4. ATA releases first guidelines for pediatric thyroid nodules, cancer
  5. BLOG: What's that red line for, anyway?
  6. Cancer diagnosis may encourage smoking cessation
  7. Carotid stenting outcomes vary widely across US hospitals
  8. Childhood cancer survivors likely to need federal income assistance as adults
  9. CHMP adopts positive opinion on Simponi for axial spondyloarthritis
  10. Costs rise for neonatal abstinence syndrome
  11. Diagnose rotator cuff tears within 3 weeks without waiting for nerve recovery for best outcomes
  12. EFORT Congress opens in Prague
  13. EndoChoice goes public
  14. Experts: Weigh risks, benefits of antithyroid therapies in children with Graves’ disease
  15. Female-to-male transgender patients experience severe acne
  16. General population has low lifetime prevalence of psychotic experiences
  17. Grip strength may predict risk for mortality, CVD
  18. GS-4774 for HBV fails to meet primary endpoint in phase 2 trial
  19. Health officials' quick response saves lives in 2012 meningitis outbreak
  20. HHS awards millions to improve heart health education in primary care
  21. High-definition chromoendoscopy improves detection of dysplasia in UC patients
  22. Increasing alcohol consumption may be harmful to elderly hearts
  23. Informed decision making for PCI often incomplete
  24. Inhaled corticosteroids produce mixed results for COPD patients
  25. Irrigation and debridement can be viable option for selected patients with periprosthetic joint infections
  26. Low midline sill sign, interspinous gap change predictive of spondylolisthesis, lumbar stability
  27. Low-grade infections a growing problem in shoulder, elbow surgeries
  28. Metabolic syndrome increases risk for CVD in adults, all-cause mortality in women
  29. MIQS releases stand-alone dialysis billing software
  30. Nephrology Care Group opens dialysis center in DC area
  31. New innovations in mood disorders herald 'the edge of the future'
  32. No change in Xeomin efficacy after 7 days room temperature storage
  33. No universally accepted standard exists for camera-acquired dermatologic images
  34. Omeros reports $18.7 million net loss in first quarter
  35. Ophthalmologists spearhead earthquake relief efforts in Nepal
  36. Past breast-feeding may decrease risk for breast cancer recurrence, death
  37. Personalized vaccines provoke antitumor activity in melanoma
  38. Pharmacist intervention improves diabetes control of underserved patients
  39. Prenatal, postnatal exposure to fine particulate matter increases risk for autism
  40. Publication Exclusive: Gore-Tex suture can be used in small-incision scleral fixation of hydrophilic acrylic IOL
  41. Reductions in pain not linked to synovitis with brace in knee OA
  42. Regular Botox treatments may lead to a decline in unwanted expressions
  43. Researchers find ERCP safe for biliary leakage after LT
  44. Scientists reach breakthrough in membranous nephropathy research
  45. T follicular cells may indicate onset of autoimmune disease activity
  46. Topical heparin improves pain relief in patients with burns
  47. VIDEO: Expert discusses the biologics of asthma
  48. VIDEO: WATS3D biopsy improves detection of Barrett's esophagus-associated high-grade dysplasia, cancer
  49. WHO prepares for potential Ebola resurgence during West African rainy season
  50. Work-focused rehab, controlled interventions have same effect on neck pain, disability
  51. Young lesbian women less likely to receive HPV vaccination