
May 16, 2015 Articles

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  1. Advisory committee offers guidance on FDA duodenoscope regulation
  2. Analysis suggests association between genes, persistent drug use among IV users
  3. Celiac disease associated with significant economic burden
  4. Epidemiological data on keratoconus highlight roles of ethnicity, environmental factors
  5. Exposure to immunosuppressants has no effect on mucinous pancreatic cystic lesions
  6. Farxiga improves beta-cell function, insulin resistance in type 2 diabetes
  7. IT dashboard reduces high dose opioid prescriptions among veterans
  8. Lima Corporate to purchase offerings from Zimmer, Biomet
  9. Neck circumference surpasses waist measurement as predictor of metabolic risk
  10. Pamidronate preserves renal function, improves mortality in chronic critical illness
  11. PLLA enhances postoperative facelift result
  12. Postponement of I-131 safe for post-surgical patients with low-risk differentiated thyroid cancer
  13. Restylane and loyalty program update from Galderma President
  14. Saroglitazar lowers lipid, glucose levels in patients with type 2 diabetes
  15. Significant amounts of gluten may be present in probiotics
  16. Society of Gynecologic Oncology president begins 1-year term
  17. Statin use offers protection from new onset IBD
  18. Ultrasound-guided laser ablation safe, effective for thyroid nodules
  19. Use of antidepressants for dementia in elderly long-term care residents increasing in Ontario
  20. VIDEO: Roxana Mehran, MD, optimistic about future of clinical research in US