April 03, 2015 Articles
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- ‘Jump starting’ personal growth can lead to enduring relationships
- ACP advises against CHD screening in low-risk patients
- Adverse childhood experiences increase a child's risk for asthma
- Citizen scientists investigate night vision drops
- CT angiography cost-effective, decreases operative times for autologous breast reconstruction
- Exposure to bleach increases risk for respiratory infections
- FDA grants orphan drug status to ganaxolone for pediatric female epilepsy
- FDA: Novartis does not have to share information with Amgen over new biosimilar drug
- Janssen funds programs to improve care for drug users with HIV, HCV
- Medicare continues doc payments despite SGR-required cut
- More than 90% of hand hygiene opportunities missed during anesthetic procedures
- Novel stem cell therapy provides long-term treatment for Crohn's fistula
- Nurse-physician cooperation leads to improved patient outcomes
- Patients with SLE show increased leptin levels, normal adiponectin levels
- PCPs accept more new patients insured by Medicare
- Prior gestational diabetes may lead to hidden metabolic disturbances
- Smaller patients may lose more blood during posterior spinal arthrodesis
- Subclinical diagnoses may skew thyroid cancer survival data