
April 03, 2015 Articles

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  1. ‘Jump starting’ personal growth can lead to enduring relationships
  2. ACP advises against CHD screening in low-risk patients
  3. Adverse childhood experiences increase a child's risk for asthma
  4. Citizen scientists investigate night vision drops
  5. CT angiography cost-effective, decreases operative times for autologous breast reconstruction
  6. Exposure to bleach increases risk for respiratory infections
  7. FDA grants orphan drug status to ganaxolone for pediatric female epilepsy
  8. FDA: Novartis does not have to share information with Amgen over new biosimilar drug
  9. Janssen funds programs to improve care for drug users with HIV, HCV
  10. Medicare continues doc payments despite SGR-required cut
  11. More than 90% of hand hygiene opportunities missed during anesthetic procedures
  12. Novel stem cell therapy provides long-term treatment for Crohn's fistula
  13. Nurse-physician cooperation leads to improved patient outcomes
  14. Patients with SLE show increased leptin levels, normal adiponectin levels
  15. PCPs accept more new patients insured by Medicare
  16. Prior gestational diabetes may lead to hidden metabolic disturbances
  17. Smaller patients may lose more blood during posterior spinal arthrodesis
  18. Subclinical diagnoses may skew thyroid cancer survival data