
April 27, 2015 Articles

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  1. $3 million Center for Integrative Studies in IBD planned for Mount Sinai
  2. Act III for meaningful use — The EHR incentive program Stage 3 proposed rule
  3. Additive genetic effects may influence circulating periostin, contribute to bone fragility
  4. Adjuvant chemotherapy associated with shorter survival in LCNEC
  5. ANNA hands out special awards, grants
  6. Arthroscopy improved functional scores among dysplastic hip morphologies
  7. Bacterin announces patent for new BMP-2 product
  8. BLOG: Approval of near vision inlay — A huge step forward
  9. Can-Fite reports positive analysis of phase 2/3 psoriasis study
  10. Caregivers express concern for mobile device impact on child development
  11. Deliberate self-poisoning during adolescence a significant predictor of suicide
  12. Digital device comparable to analog in duration of pleural drainage, hospital stay
  13. Elderly patients show improvement after lumbar decompression surgery
  14. Filgotinib meets primary endpoints at 12 weeks in phase 2B study of patients with RA
  15. Generic instruments still have a role for patient evaluation after reconstructive breast surgery
  16. Genetic overlap exists between Alzheimer’s disease, two CVD risk factors
  17. GIFT-I: '2D' regimen led to high SVR12 rates in genotype 1b
  18. HCV RNA in liver explants does not lead to HCV recurrence post-transplant
  19. Hodgkin’s lymphoma survivors face high risk for cardiovascular diseases
  20. Medicare’s new payment system gives physicians two options
  21. Meta-analysis: PCSK9 inhibitors reduce mortality, MI
  22. Millions have died worldwide due to lack of access to surgical care, anesthesia
  23. NIH launches clinical trial on statin therapy for HIV patients
  24. Nitrofurantoin less effective than other antibiotics for UTI patients
  25. NS5A RAVs may persist through 96 weeks after ledipasvir therapy
  26. Older patients experience worse outcomes following hip arthroscopy for FAI
  27. Oval suction ring may create smaller flap during LASIK
  28. Patients' ethnicity may be associated with diabetes management, care
  29. Patients with OA, RA have similar risks of VTE following TKA
  30. Perforation of viscera often under-reported, underestimated in liposuction
  31. Proximal embolic protection during CAS yields low in-hospital stroke, death rate
  32. PRP may be superior to hyaluronic acid for improvement of pain, function in patients with OA
  33. Receipt of indomethacin did not affect risk for bronchopulmonary dysplasia, death in preterm infants
  34. Researchers identify risk factors for development of pancreatic cancer
  35. ROADMAP: LVAD improved survival, functional status in patients with advanced HF
  36. Serum sCD163 levels associated with polymyositis/dermatomyositis, disease activity
  37. Shed old ways, be innovative in patient care, nurses told
  38. Study shows corneal vertex normal as optimal optic zone center in small incision lenticule extraction
  39. Success of blister grafting for vitiligo varies by clinical characteristics of patient, graft site
  40. Supportive family ties decrease risk for violence among adolescent males
  41. TAVR decreases OS in patients with severe aortic stenosis
  42. Three-year postoperative surveillance cost-effective for patients with low-risk papillary thyroid cancer
  43. Top 5 lessons learned at SGO's Annual Meeting on Women’s Cancer
  44. Transparency key to increasing vaccination rates
  45. VIDEO: Name change sought for PCOS
  46. Weight-based vancomycin dosing could improve MRSA treatment in rural areas