
March 07, 2015 Articles

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  1. Alcon targets contact lens care products for in-office sale
  2. Fecal microbiota present target for glucose tolerance assessment
  3. Meridian Cancer Care appoints medical director
  4. Mortality risks remain unchanged with menopausal hormone therapy
  5. Optometrists should keep an eye out for child abuse
  6. Patients retained 7º mean angular motion with CDR device at 7-year follow-up
  7. Patients with PCOS achieve weight loss with liraglutide, roflumilast
  8. Protect your practice with fair, consistent treatment of employees
  9. Scent-trained canine detects thyroid cancer in urine samples, could aid in diagnoses
  10. Six important orthopedics videos from February
  11. STS releases first public national report of congenital heart surgery outcomes
  12. Study uses real-time Twitter data to understand vaccine refusal
  13. Transgender adolescents receive improved endocrine care at clinic
  14. VIDEO: New findings in OCT imaging and sickle cell retinopathy