
April 08, 2014 Articles

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  1. ‘Crevasse’ pattern of femoral head chondral lesion discovered in FAI patients
  2. Accuracy of lateral radiography determines femoral fixation site for MPFL graft placement
  3. Advanced OCT technology allows imaging of lamina cribrosa
  4. Avitus Orthopaedics gets investment from Connecticut Innovations
  5. Bevacizumab, chemotherapy combination extended PFS in platinum-resistant ovarian cancer
  6. Catastrophic thinking cited as predictor of continued opioid use after musculoskeletal trauma
  7. CDC: Rate of teen pregnancies declined significantly
  8. Chemotherapy superior to TKIs in advanced, EGFR wild-type NSCLC
  9. Choosing Wisely campaign Top 5 lists focus on reduced costs vs. risks
  10. Clinical trial to test gene therapy for LHON
  11. Clinicians shared positive opinion of antimicrobial stewardship program, benefited prescribing behaviors
  12. CMO of Fresenius Medical Care Renal Therapies Group to retire
  13. Consistent condom use limited HPV spread in new heterosexual couples
  14. Consortium launches platform to share data from cancer trials
  15. Current magnitude, trends of glaucoma- and diabetic retinopathy-related vision loss raise concern
  16. DePuy Synthes Power Tools launches high-speed electric system
  17. Double oral dose esomeprazole reduced peptic ulcer bleeding after 3-day infusion
  18. Enteric infections decreased immunogenicity of oral polio vaccine
  19. Evidence of negative autoantibodies rare among SSc patients
  20. Experts speak out on SGR patch
  21. Extrahepatic manifestations in Chinese HCV patients included fatigue, diabetes
  22. Food allergies, anaphylaxis affects up to 22% of European children
  23. Interventions could lead to increased immunization rates among urban families
  24. Intraoperative AS-OCT measurement of lens capsule allows for accurate IOL power calculation
  25. Ischemic stroke risk reduction doctors' primary goal for nonvalvular AF treatment
  26. Lower vitamin D levels observed in atopic dermatitis
  27. Negative pressure wound therapy used in long-segment spine fusion helped decrease wound dehiscence
  28. Oxygen uptake kinetics slower during, after exercise in women with subclinical hypothyroidism
  29. Patients with Chiari malformation without syringomyelia show less severe scoliosis curves
  30. Patients with obesity-related diagnoses failed to continue weight-loss programs
  31. Phase 3 study of sirolimus for posterior segment uveitis achieves primary endpoint
  32. Prevention, treatment of bleb-related infection crucial in trabeculectomy
  33. Radiographic parallax: Accuracy of lateral radiography determines femoral fixation site for MPFL graft placement during reconstruction
  34. Researchers identify breast cancer subtype that may benefit from neratinib
  35. RESOLUTE: Low stent thrombosis rates reported with DAPT interruption
  36. Risk for colorectal neoplasia reduced among microscopic colitis patients
  37. Study uncovers new details of how common anti-diabetic drugs work
  38. Study: Moderate physical activity reduces mortality rate in adults with diabetes
  39. Surgery within 48 hours of cauda equina syndrome onset not clinically relevant, study finds
  40. Tight glycemic control reduced infection risk in some infants after cardiac surgery
  41. VIDEO: Remote-controlled slit lamp aids teleophthalmology
  42. What is Crohn’s disease?
  43. What is nonalcoholic fatty liver disease?
  44. WHO: Severe Ebola outbreak in West Africa expected to continue
  45. Younger children with low-grade ganglioglioma more likely to have poorer survival
  46. Zimmer Spine launches anterior cervical system