November 19, 2014 Articles
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- 5 things to read during Contact Lens Health Week
- Addition of mitral valve repair to CABG showed no benefit in ischemic mitral regurgitation
- Adjuvant regimen improved outcomes in gastric cancer after D2 gastrectomy
- Altered microbiota linked to GI symptoms in celiac patients on strict diet
- Amoxicillin-associated diarrhea, candidiasis may be underreported
- Atazanavir associated with higher triglycerides, fat levels vs. darunavir
- Children with AD more likely to develop peanut allergy when exposed to peanut protein in dust
- Cholesterol efflux capacity inversely associated with CV events
- Cocaine use associated with coronary microvascular dysfunction
- Coenzyme Q10 lowered systolic BP in patients with NAFLD
- CooperVision launches daily disposable silicone hydrogels
- Denosumab may be useful in treating bisphosphonate-resistant hypercalcemia of malignancy
- Factor IX gene therapy safe, effective in severe hemophilia B
- FDA approves new 'panoramic' imaging device for colonoscopy
- FDA grants fast track designation to MM-398 for metastatic pancreatic cancer
- FDA grants orphan drug status to BGB324 for AML
- Frequent home dialysis provides survival advantage over in-center hemodialysis
- HHS, NIH propose changes to make more clinical trial data available
- Higher BMI may lead to smaller improvements and higher complications after THA
- Illegal drug users less likely to recover from first psychotic episode
- Increased mortality linked to genetically low vitamin D
- Levofloxacin after kidney transplantation did not prevent infection
- Minimally invasive approach may offer safe, acceptable alternative for THA
- Most U.S. adults cannot donate a kidney due to preventable health problems, potential loss of income
- New data shows home hemodialysis superior to PD for patient and technique survival, hospitalizations
- Novel, resilient antibiotic discovered in fungus
- Ophthotech reports $39.6 million revenue in third quarter
- POAG patients experience faster thinning of retinal nerve fiber layer
- 'Polar vortex' failed to trigger 'pollen vortex'
- Primary biliary cirrhosis more prevalent in Chinese women vs. men
- Rates of diabetic kidney disease may be underestimated
- Smith & Nephew appoints non-executive board director
- Speaker offers insight on myths, realities of skin-tightening technologies
- Study: Clinical improvements maintained, improved at 5 years with iFuse implant
- Study: Extending weekly dialysis hours doesn't impact quality of life, but improves lab measures
- Surgeon recommends use of sealants to close corneal incisions
- Survey: Parents support routine vaccination checks in daycare centers
- Technology-based tools, EMRs improved CVD medication adherence
- Three-drug regimen during pregnancy more protective against vertical HIV transmission
- Trans-satellite wireless ECG transfer could improve door-to-balloon time
- Tumor subclassification provided no additional survival benefit in lung adenocarcinomas
- Two drugs are no more effective than one to treat polycystic kidney disease
- Upright radiographs showed increased fracture displacement, shortening with acute clavicle fracture
- Use of antibiotic following kidney transplantation does not prevent virus infection
- What is Alzheimer’s disease?