
September 11, 2013 Articles

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  1. AAOS announces list of unnecessary orthopedic medical tests, procedures
  2. CDI incidence doubled since 2001
  3. Deepak L. Bhatt, MD, MPH, named executive director at Brigham and Women's Hospital
  4. Different tension vectors applied to cadavers during face-lifts achieved varied results
  5. Early warning scores identified children in need of ICU care
  6. Estrogen, testosterone play role in development of hypogonadal symptoms
  7. European Commission approves Inflectra as biosimilar infliximab
  8. FDA approves Botox Cosmetic to treat crow’s feet lines
  9. Fighting off the fright of kidney disease
  10. Flower Orthopedics introduces single-use bone fixation device
  11. Healio Minute Wednesday, Sept. 11, 2013 Edition: Minor trauma attracts major costs, simple formula reduces BMI in preschoolers, emotional stress predicts more falls in older men
  12. Herpes zoster vaccinations low among older adults
  13. Herpes zoster vaccinations low among older adults
  14. IMDx assay receives FDA clearance for influenza, RSV
  15. Improving end-of-life care for ESRD patients: An initiative for professionals
  16. Latest cyclosporiasis cases may not be linked to Midwest outbreak
  17. Lower vancomycin dose efficacious in C. difficile
  18. MALDI-TOF significantly decreased time to organism identification
  19. Maternal PTSD increased risk for trauma, maltreatment in offspring
  20. Metformin may worsen cognitive performance in patients with diabetes
  21. Nationwide Laboratory Services gets $2 million in capital funding
  22. Panretinal photocoagulation has minimal effect on corneal nerve density, sensitivity
  23. Periprosthetic tissue metal content predicts tissue response in patients with metal-on-metal hips
  24. Physicians and Medicare’s future
  25. Positive attitudes improved outcomes in patients with CAD
  26. PR, ER expression may predict outcomes in certain ovarian cancers
  27. RELAX-AHF: Benefits of serelaxin observed in subgroup analyses
  28. Second-line pazopanib effective in advanced RCC
  29. Smoking linked to worse Crohn’s disease, need for more therapies
  30. Study: Most new Medicaid-eligible adults will be in good health, but smokers
  31. Surgical density, part 1: Reading the speedometer of your practice’s performance
  32. Survival after CNS metastases varied by breast cancer subtype
  33. The CMO Initiative: Dialysate sodium in hemodialysis patients
  34. Treated patients with HCV incur lower health care costs
  35. Use of air for descemetopexy may yield better results for Descemet’s membrane detachment after cataract surgery
  36. Vaccinations increased serotype protection in children with idiopathic nephrotic syndrome
  37. Whose data is it, anyway?