
December 20, 2013 Articles

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  1. AAKP launches nutrition tracker
  2. AAP: Pregnant women, young children should avoid raw milk
  3. Ariad to resume Iclusig marketing with additional safety measures
  4. Baxter wins European approval for new home hemodialysis machine
  5. Close monitoring of methotrexate urged for pediatric IBD patients
  6. Experts outline measures to improve quality of PCI
  7. Healio Minute Friday, Dec. 20, 2013 Edition: Fracking chemicals called endocrine disrupters, breast cancer patients live longer, drug pairing with niacin lowers cholesterol
  8. Hearing often improved during bacterial meningitis recovery
  9. Heart disease remains No. 1 cause of death in US
  10. Immune response to cytomegalovirus affected RA patients’ reaction to DMARDs
  11. Increased daily ambulatory activity may reduce CV events
  12. InSite releases positive results for phase 3 trial of BromSite
  13. Many people with diabetes still lose vision, despite availability of vision-sparing treatment
  14. More fiber may lower risk for heart disease
  15. New delivery models for primary care optometry
  16. New mechanism identified in pathophysiology of PCOS
  17. New methods for real-time influenza forecasting appeared effective
  18. New methods for real-time influenza forecasting appeared effective
  19. Novel marker sensitive to diagnose fungal meningitis in outbreak
  20. Open adrenalectomy viable option in adrenocortical cancer
  21. Proliferative retinopathy in diabetes tied to cerebral microangiopathy
  22. Psychiatric morbidity risk higher in men with congenital adrenal hyperplasia
  23. Speaker recommends routine use of handheld navigation in TKR
  24. Study: Patients with diabetes may not receive care to prevent visual impairment, blindness
  25. TTE with contrast yielded lower mortality than non-contrast TTE in critically ill patients
  26. TTE with contrast yielded lower mortality than non-contrast TTE in critically ill patients
  27. Tumor staging finds most cSCC with positive SLNB occurred in T2 lesions
  28. Vaccine antibodies correlated with protection against HSV-1
  29. Variables may predict HCV patients likely to respond to peginterferon/ribavirin
  30. Variations between studies ‘not enough to question value of mammography’
  31. Vexim launches new bone fixation biomaterial