
November 13, 2013 Articles

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  1. Acidic diet raised risk for type 2 diabetes in women
  2. Anxiety disorders rose steadily among active US service members
  3. Beware of government’s authority to suspend Medicare payments
  4. Breathalyzer detected acetone levels to monitor glucose in diabetes
  5. Certain antihypertensive medications are better at preventing cardiovascular disease in dialysis patients than others
  6. Coding data may be unreliable to estimate HAI incidence
  7. Consensus statement outlines use of intracoronary diagnostic tools
  8. Darapladib misses primary endpoint in phase 3 study
  9. Docetaxel, cisplatin, 5-FU regimen shows promise in anal carcinoma
  10. E. coli common cause of bacteremia in febrile infants admitted to hospital
  11. Envisia Therapeutics launches with $25 million in financing
  12. Experts trace history of TAVR, heart team approach
  13. FDA approves Imbruvica for mantle cell lymphoma
  14. Getting to the heart of the matter: The new obesity and lifestyle guidelines
  15. Healio Minute Wednesday, Nov. 13, 2013 Edition: New heart-healthy guide issued, child pneumonia called global ‘shame,’ statin therapy rules updated
  16. Holden exits as chair of Optometry Giving Sight, receives award
  17. Increased joint loading does not impact cartilage loss, symptoms in obese patients with knee OA
  18. Joint guidelines updated for treatment of opportunistic infections in children with HIV
  19. Low-intensity EPOCH-R regimen effective in Burkitt’s lymphoma
  20. Low-level viremia increased risk for virologic failure
  21. MAKO Surgical Corp. completes Pipeline Biomedical Holdings acquisition
  22. Multiple-DAA regimens may decrease duration of HCV treatment
  23. Myriad Genetics launches diagnostic test for detecting melanoma
  24. Noninvasive radioactive tracer may predict risk for MI
  25. Obesity increases cost of care by $8,000 per patient in VA study
  26. Ocular Surgery News to live blog from Ophthalmology Innovation Summit
  27. Overweight, obesity increased CVD risk, despite metabolic syndrome
  28. Postoperative VTE rate may not be accurate hospital quality measure
  29. Preeclampsia during pregnancy may be linked with kidney failure risk
  30. Preoperative erythropoietin may reduce allogenic blood transfusion in hip, knee arthroplasty
  31. Study: DSM-5 could not be properly applied to fibromyalgia patients
  32. Study: Medicare-based device-intensive hospital charges do not result in higher health care cost
  33. Success of supplementation linked to genetic risk factors for AMD progression
  34. Sunburn protection tops reasons for sunscreen usage
  35. The wait is over: The new cholesterol treatment guidelines are here
  36. WHO: Cholera transmission continues in Mexico