
October 21, 2013 Articles

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  1. Abbott reports quarterly net sales of $5.37 billion
  2. American Diabetes Association releases new nutritional guidelines
  3. Aspirin reduced colorectal cancer recurrence in those with PIK3CA mutations
  4. BioLase, Auris to develop laser cataract-removal robot
  5. Cardiac rehabilitation program improved outcomes for patients with stroke
  6. Celiac disease patients prone to develop fibromyalgia
  7. Central line maintenance care bundle reduced infections, bacteremia
  8. Child mortality declining in South Africa
  9. Composite measures predicted bariatric surgery performance better than other methods
  10. Current technology not enough to prevent esophageal adenocarcinoma
  11. Earlier measles immunization reduced seizure risk
  12. EINSTEIN-PE: Rivaroxaban associated with cost savings, reduced LOS
  13. Fee survey shows continued variability in optometry
  14. Healio Minute Monday, Oct. 21, 2013 Edition: Youth concussion impacts similar across age groups, atrial fibrillation risk varies by race, malignancies predicted for aging HIV population
  15. High BP during pregnancy could raise future stroke risk
  16. Infant pertussis hospitalizations decreased adolescent vaccinations
  17. Investigators find gene influences risk of lumbar disc degeneration
  18. Maternal, congenital hypothyroidism affects brain development and cognitive ability
  19. Mayo Clinic: Cataract surgeries performed at steady rate of increase
  20. Mountaintop coal mining linked to stress, anxiety in residents
  21. Next-generation aspiration catheter launched in US
  22. Precision Spine introduces new spine products
  23. Rate of readmission within 30 days for hospitalized IBD patients listed at 19%
  24. Study links genetic variants to poor outcomes after anti-VEGF treatment for AMD
  25. Study suggests association between HNSCC, dental caries
  26. TSH suppression after thyroidectomy increases osteoporosis risk in women
  27. Vice president, board members elected at ASDS meeting
  28. Wild poliovirus spreads from the Horn of Africa to South Sudan