
July 16, 2010 Articles

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  1. Arthroscopic treatment for FAI supported in high-level athletes
  2. Audit process may reduce surgical site infection reporting errors
  3. Coumadin 1 mg tablet blister packs recalled
  4. Coumadin 1 mg tablet blister packs recalled
  5. Diabetes patients urged to talk with physician before changing medication
  6. Down syndrome associated with complications, not mortality in patients undergoing congenital heart disease surgery
  7. FDA conducting safety review of angiotensin receptor blockers’ link to cancer
  8. Genzyme introduces the first identity assay ensuring chondrocytes are implanted when using Carticel
  9. Interferon a treatment option for refractory Behçet's uveitis, study says
  10. Limbal marking fails to boost LASIK, LASEK outcomes for myopic astigmatism
  11. Local injections of anesthetics for ankle sprains do not suppress muscle activity
  12. Minimally invasive TKA no better than standard technique
  13. No significant relationship between diabetes mellitus, exfoliation syndrome in US Veterans Affairs population
  14. Pair of monoclonal antibodies may lead to development of HIV vaccine
  15. Physician incompetency found under-reported by colleagues
  16. Physician incompetency found under-reported by colleagues
  17. Self-management of hypertension effective measure to lower BP
  18. Study advises caution for IOL implantation in children 6 months and younger
  19. Waterborne diseases pose significant financial burden in the United States
  20. Waterborne diseases pose significant financial burden in the United States