
May 24, 2010 Articles

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  1. Acinetobacter infections may be increasing in the community
  2. Anti-VEGF shows potential at 1 year for treating DME
  3. CALGB 9343: Radiation did not improve survival in elderly women with breast cancer
  4. Elevated exercise BP nonsignificant for CVD–related death after accounting for rest BP
  5. End-of-life discussion
  6. EVAR 2: Endovascular repair lowered rate of aneurysm-related mortality
  7. FDA approves influenza A (H1N1) test for general use
  8. FDA approves influenza A (H1N1) test for general use
  9. Femtosecond laser cataract surgery shows encouraging results
  10. Finishing the job happens months after premium IOL surgery
  11. Limited health literacy increased safety risks for patients with diabetes
  12. MCV4 appeared safe, immunogenic in adolescents with HIV
  13. MCV4 appeared safe, immunogenic in adolescents with HIV
  14. Metanephrines, GH, cortisol may predict severe, short-term outcome in women with anorexia nervosa
  15. Most comfortable MRI position for patients is most reliable for physicians
  16. New IOLs are an advance in safe microincision surgery, surgeon says
  17. Orthofix International launches three new sports medicine products
  18. SLAP repair overuse on the rise, contributing to poor results
  19. Study describes clinical characteristics of combined pelvic, acetabular fractures
  20. The effects of growth hormone on body composition and performance in recreational athletes
  21. Yoga improved sleep, fatigue, quality of life
  22. Zigzag cut ideal for femtosecond DALK