
November 23, 2010 Articles

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  1. Aerosol-generating device led to A/H3N2 outbreak in acute ward setting
  2. Antibacterial implant coatings may better adhere to devices using a polymer layer
  3. Back pain exams by nurses may lead to shorter wait times, quicker diagnoses
  4. Clinical stage not predictive for prostate cancer recurrence
  5. Guidelines for the diagnosis of community-acquired pneumonia in pediatric patients
  6. JRI Orthopaedics launches new total shoulder arthroplasty system
  7. Lower-income families with high deductible more likely to forgo medical procedures
  8. Lower-income families with high deductibles more likely to forgo medical procedures
  9. Mother’s health may increase risk for CKD in children
  10. NIH expands database with 72,000 images from AREDS
  11. Perceived stress, mood, lighting influence vision
  12. Reading additions likely to benefit low vision pre-presbyopes
  13. Senate bill delays Medicare physician payment cut by 1 month
  14. Smoking found to be associated with long anterior zonule trait
  15. Study finds binocular vision anomalies common among elderly
  16. Two ends of the spectrum: Part 1
  17. Two ends of the spectrum: Part 2
  18. Visual field, OCT results show poor correlation in advanced RNFL loss