
August 04, 2009 Articles

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  1. Bifocal IOL yields good near and distance visual acuity in hyperopic patients
  2. Booster may be beneficial for children who experience Hib vaccine failure
  3. Childhood neuroblastoma survivors at increased risk for adverse health and psychosocial outcomes
  4. Cranial irradiation cut incidence of brain metastases in locally advanced NSCLC
  5. Dying chimpanzees may provide clues to AIDS vaccine
  6. FDA approves new statin
  7. FDA approves new statin
  8. Glaucoma shunt shows IOP reduction at minimum 1 year follow-up
  9. Intravitreal anti-VEGF effectively treats subfoveal CNV related to AMD
  10. New approach to treating obesity: energy-burning brown fat?
  11. Preoperative chemotherapy showed a trend toward improved five-year DFS in NSCLC
  12. Study findings suggest Paget’s disease is on the decline
  13. Third parties viewing patient records
  14. Topical dexamethasone with povidone iodine shows promise in treating viral conjunctivitis