
July 14, 2009 Articles

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  1. Blacks more likely to die of breast cancer than whites, even with identical care
  2. Clinician: Preservative may cause more severe reactions in some glaucoma patients
  3. Endocrine Society released guidelines for treatment of transsexuals
  4. Expert: Glaucoma treatment cost-effective, but insurance coverage dictates treatment options in U.S.
  5. External rotation, supraspinatus strength related to injury in baseball pitchers
  6. FDA approves Crystalens HD in quarter diopter steps
  7. Four-week prophylaxis safe, effective after abdominal, pelvic surgery
  8. HT use associated with increased risk for ovarian cancer
  9. Link strengthened between routine rotavirus vaccination and indirect benefits
  10. Patients with thicker retinal nerve fiber layer show more diffuse retinal nerve fiber loss
  11. Puddu and Renström inducted into the AOSSM Hall of Fame
  12. Raltegravir approved for treatment-naive patients
  13. Warfarin anticoagulation superior to phenprocoumon