May 18, 2009 Articles
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- 10% of patients on clinical trial used coping strategies to cover drug cost
- AMD prevalence in Taiwan similar to other locations, but smoking not a significant risk factor
- Bangerter filter speeds visual improvement in amblyopia treatment
- Cataract patients need counsel to reduce fearful reactions to visual experiences during surgery
- CDC official: Number of confirmed H1N1 represent ‘tip of iceberg’
- CDC official: Number of confirmed H1N1 represent ‘tip of iceberg’
- Clinical trial in older women reveals important findings in breast cancer
- Combined ACL reconstruction and hemiarthroplasty effective but still experimental
- Gemcitabine plus cisplatin effective in treating advanced biliary tract cancer
- 'Middle generation' may be key to resolving cataract blindness, low vision rates in rural China
- Near vision activities during occlusion increase visual acuity improvement in amblyopic patients
- New treatments evolving for acute primary angle-closure glaucoma
- Noninvasive salivary analysis detected diabetes, prediabetes
- Normal tension glaucoma may be nocturnal disorder
- To diagnose keratoconus correctly, surgeons must look at entire eye in context
- Tumor HPV status independent predictor of survival in oropharynx cancers
- What’s in a name: Does the patient have diabetes or is the patient 'a diabetic'?