
February 13, 2009 Articles

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  1. Anterior chamber OCT helps select patients for iris-claw IOL implantation
  2. Bioengineered corneal substitutes show promise in corneal transplantation
  3. Burden of diagnosed diabetes increased between 1988-1994, 2005-2006
  4. CMS: Insufficient data to provide coverage for CT colonography
  5. Court panel rules no association between autism, vaccines
  6. Femtosecond DALK not a substitute for manual techniques
  7. Femtosecond laser-assisted DSEK compares favorably with manual procedure
  8. High incidence of metabolic syndrome found in some athletes
  9. Immunochemical fecal occult blood tests viable alternative to colonoscopy
  10. Investigators identify chemical mediator that may direct bone homeostasis
  11. Niacin in the treatment of dyslipidemia
  12. Phaco platform may help make coaxial MICS the standard for cataract surgery
  13. PK has higher long-term endothelial cell loss than DALK, study finds
  14. Surgical consistency a factor in IOL calculation accuracy