
September 25, 2008 Articles

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  1. AADE7 framework fosters self-management education and care
  2. Bariatric surgery in adolescents: questions remain
  3. Bendamustine: Can you teach an old dog new tricks?
  4. Childhood brain tumors: Is the future now?
  5. Clinician-collected specimens superior to self-collected in detecting anal cancer
  6. Contralateral prophylactic mastectomy showed a slight benefit for minority of breast cancers
  7. Emil Theodor Kocher: a name synonymous with thyroid surgery
  8. Facing today’s challenges in diabetes education
  9. FDA updates alert for exenatide
  10. Genentech adopts plan to retain employees after rejecting offer
  11. Getting back to basics
  12. House bill aims to spur adoption of electronic medical records
  13. HPV vaccine may be more cost-effective with routine screening in girls
  14. Illuminated microcatheter aids successful trabeculotomy
  15. Is diabetes education truly profitable?
  16. Joint Commission issues recommendations for anticoagulation therapy, safety
  17. Managing tear film dysfunctions crucial during cataract surgery process
  18. Mild cognitive impairment may be linked to severity of diabetes
  19. Moriz Kaposi and the golden age of Viennese dermatology
  20. New imaging method appears to show early onset of retinal disease
  21. ORIF for distal radius fractures shows advantages over closed reduction
  22. Pancreatic cancer: Progress lacking
  23. Physicians examine treatment options for patient with blepharitis
  24. Premixed insulin analogues reduced fasting glucose, HbA1c levels
  25. Programs tackle high rate of blindness among women
  26. Refractive and anatomic accuracy vital with accommodating IOLs
  27. Risk for late recurrence high in patients with breast cancer after adjuvant therapy
  28. Risk for obesity-related diseases not high for all obese individuals
  29. Risk of depression increases with severity of glaucoma, age
  30. Short-tracking is not a short-cut
  31. Strict glucose control may not reduce mortalities in the ICU
  32. Study identifies risk factors for failed IOP control after phacoviscocanalostomy
  33. Study links fornix fat prolapse with involutional entropion
  34. Subclinical hypothyroidism was common among patients with CKD
  35. Three weeks of radiation therapy produced outcomes similar to five-week course
  36. Tibolone reduced the risk for fractures, breast and colon cancers
  37. Trouble reading may contribute to poor glycemic control
  38. Uncontrolled blood sugars? Think of the munchies!
  39. Visual rehabilitation faster after LASEK than after epi-LASIK, study finds
  40. What is the role of chemoradiation in the treatment of resectable pancreatic cancer?
  41. Woman complains of foreign body sensation, decreased vision in left eye
  42. Younger age may be a risk factor for recurrence of ocular toxoplasmosis