Study links fornix fat prolapse with involutional entropion
A prospective study has linked increased forniceal fat height with lower eyelid involutional entropion.
Bijan Beigi, MD, FRCOphth, FRCS, and colleagues compared horizontal and vertical laxity of lower eyelids and forniceal preaponeurotic fat prolapses among 80 patients with lower eyelid involutional entropion. Specifically, 47 patients had right-sided entropion and 33 patients had left-sided entropion.
Patients averaged 77.7 years of age, ranging from 57 to 93 years.
Horizontal lid laxity ranged from 7.5 mm to 11 mm, and vertical laxity ranged from 2 mm to 5 mm.
The investigators found no significant differences between the affected and nonaffected sides and horizontal or vertical laxity, according to the study.
However, they found that grade 2 forniceal height was more significantly elevated on the affected side than the unaffected side (P = .000).
"Forniceal fat height represents a more accurate assessment tool for either lower lid retractor laxity or disinsertion than the lid excursion test," the study authors said in the September issue of Ophthalmology.