February 25, 2008 Articles
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- ACCORD trial treatment arm halted
- Adding docetaxel to cisplatin and 5-FU in gastric cancer: too toxic?
- Baby boomers are strongest ‘constituents’ for RLE
- Bleeding increased with combined antidepressants and vitamin K antagonists
- Childhood obesity predicts cardiovascular disease in adults
- Chopping techniques beneficial for nucleus removal
- Combination therapy did not improve survival in gastric cancer
- Controversial ‘father’ of endocrinology: Brown-Séquard
- Diabetes remission linked to gastric banding surgery
- Did you see that anemia patient in the ICU?
- Early primary hyperparathyroidism prevalent in premenopausal women
- Ethnicity may have role in IOP stability among myopic children, study suggests
- Evidence to show results of data reporting limited
- Experts: Diagnosing and treating a purulent red eye in an infant
- FDA takes action against compounded hormone therapy drugs
- Find the right mentor for your fellowship
- Fluoroquinolone prophylaxis in chemotherapy-induced neutropenia
- George Nicholas Papanicolaou 1883-1962
- Hispanic boys face unique issues with obesity prevention
- Improved survival with preoperative chemotherapy for esophageal cancer
- Industry News in Brief
- Inform patients about ways to minimize medication errors
- Intensive insulin therapy in patients with sepsis increased risk for serious adverse events
- Is pharmacologic intervention needed to prevent type 2 after gestational diabetes?
- Low bone density leads to Turner’s syndrome diagnosis
- Lowered screening age, new technology could reduce breast cancer mortality risk
- MacuSight reports positive phase 1 results for sirolimus
- Man presents with gradual worsening of vision in left eye
- Movers and Shakers
- N-chlorotaurine shows in vitro potential against severe eye infection
- Nerve fiber loss linked to severe diabetic neuropathy
- Newly discovered virus linked to skin cancer
- No consensus on treatment for advanced gastric cancer
- Obese patients recovered faster in a rehab facility
- One you may have missed
- Pancreatitis and exenatide: What is the risk?
- Pay-for-performance: physicians as pets
- Project empowers physicians in developing world to treat blindness
- Quarterly Reports
- Renew enthusiasm for academic endocrinology
- Role of blood flow in glaucomatous progression requires further study
- Role of neuroadaptation with use of multifocal IOLs merits more discussion
- Study: Optic disc topography, structural damage appear similar among POAG, PACG patients
- Surgeons: Previous refractive surgery presents challenges in cataract
- Surgical decompression shows efficacy for treating quadrilateral space syndrome in overhead athletes
- The promise of oral direct Factor Xa inhibition
- Threefold breast cancer risk associated with hormone therapy
- Use of intravitreal injections rising ‘exponentially’
- Vitamin D deficiency associated with increased risk for CVD
- Waiting for HAPO: Why the results are so anticipated