
February 25, 2008 Articles

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  1. ACCORD trial treatment arm halted
  2. Adding docetaxel to cisplatin and 5-FU in gastric cancer: too toxic?
  3. Baby boomers are strongest ‘constituents’ for RLE
  4. Bleeding increased with combined antidepressants and vitamin K antagonists
  5. Childhood obesity predicts cardiovascular disease in adults
  6. Chopping techniques beneficial for nucleus removal
  7. Combination therapy did not improve survival in gastric cancer
  8. Controversial ‘father’ of endocrinology: Brown-Séquard
  9. Diabetes remission linked to gastric banding surgery
  10. Did you see that anemia patient in the ICU?
  11. Early primary hyperparathyroidism prevalent in premenopausal women
  12. Ethnicity may have role in IOP stability among myopic children, study suggests
  13. Evidence to show results of data reporting limited
  14. Experts: Diagnosing and treating a purulent red eye in an infant
  15. FDA takes action against compounded hormone therapy drugs
  16. Find the right mentor for your fellowship
  17. Fluoroquinolone prophylaxis in chemotherapy-induced neutropenia
  18. George Nicholas Papanicolaou — 1883-1962
  19. Hispanic boys face unique issues with obesity prevention
  20. Improved survival with preoperative chemotherapy for esophageal cancer
  21. Industry News in Brief
  22. Inform patients about ways to minimize medication errors
  23. Intensive insulin therapy in patients with sepsis increased risk for serious adverse events
  24. Is pharmacologic intervention needed to prevent type 2 after gestational diabetes?
  25. Low bone density leads to Turner’s syndrome diagnosis
  26. Lowered screening age, new technology could reduce breast cancer mortality risk
  27. MacuSight reports positive phase 1 results for sirolimus
  28. Man presents with gradual worsening of vision in left eye
  29. Movers and Shakers
  30. N-chlorotaurine shows in vitro potential against severe eye infection
  31. Nerve fiber loss linked to severe diabetic neuropathy
  32. Newly discovered virus linked to skin cancer
  33. No consensus on treatment for advanced gastric cancer
  34. Obese patients recovered faster in a rehab facility
  35. One you may have missed
  36. Pancreatitis and exenatide: What is the risk?
  37. Pay-for-performance: physicians as pets
  38. Project empowers physicians in developing world to treat blindness
  39. Quarterly Reports
  40. Renew enthusiasm for academic endocrinology
  41. Role of blood flow in glaucomatous progression requires further study
  42. Role of neuroadaptation with use of multifocal IOLs merits more discussion
  43. Study: Optic disc topography, structural damage appear similar among POAG, PACG patients
  44. Surgeons: Previous refractive surgery presents challenges in cataract
  45. Surgical decompression shows efficacy for treating quadrilateral space syndrome in overhead athletes
  46. The promise of oral direct Factor Xa inhibition
  47. Threefold breast cancer risk associated with hormone therapy
  48. Use of intravitreal injections rising ‘exponentially’
  49. Vitamin D deficiency associated with increased risk for CVD
  50. Waiting for HAPO: Why the results are so anticipated