
June 15, 2006 Articles

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  1. Amniotic membrane transplant effective in Mooren’s ulcers
  2. CMS adds lens to New Technology IOL category
  3. Comparing fluoroquinolones: Is faster better?
  4. Epi-LASIK ‘favorable’ in comparison to LASEK in U.S. soldiers
  5. Evaluation and management of congenital ptosis
  6. Femtosecond laser market expands as new devices debut
  7. Femtosecond lasers complement microkeratomes, surgeon says
  8. Mergers, Acquisitions, etc.
  9. Movers and Shakers
  10. Newer Fluoroquinolones demonstrate success
  11. PKP with femtosecond laser is promising as a surgical technique, surgeon says
  12. Preventing cystoid macular edema with NSAIDs
  13. Refractive correction is not one-size-fits-all
  14. Round table: Refractive surgery in pediatric patients
  15. Straight talk from physicians can improve patient compliance
  16. The multipurpose NSAID: A cataract surgeon's best friend
  17. Use the lowest amount of drug possible to achieve efficacy with safety
  18. Visian ICL introduced to U.S. surgeons
  19. With better glaucoma drugs, less need seen for combined cataract-glaucoma procedures