
October 01, 2004 Articles

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  1. 13 coding pearls and a few trinkets
  2. AAHKS issues statements on MIS, small-incision TJR surgery
  3. Activities planned for decade awareness week Oct. 12-20
  4. Bimanual phacoemulsification with the Millennium system yields good results
  5. Bone regeneration is possible using stem cells
  6. Careful attention to trends, opportunities crucial for practice planning
  7. Control of onchocerciasis in Africa and elimination in Latin America seem within reach
  8. Early age, microcornea main risk factors for glaucoma after IOL implantation in children
  9. Extensive polishing of anterior capsule does not reduce PCO, according to surgeons
  10. FDA approves duloxetine hydrochloride to treat diabetic peripheral neuropathy
  11. FDA panel rejects ximelagatran as an oral anticoagulant
  12. FDA vote: Interspinous distraction device not recommended for approval
  13. French survey links low compensation rates with declining quality of care
  14. Hand surgeons may be exposed to significant radiation using mini C-arm fluoroscopy
  15. Improper billing for extended ophthalmoscopy
  16. Incorrect solution causes chemical burn
  17. Lasersoft solid-state laser advances refractive surgery, surgeons say
  18. Macugen reviewed by advisory panel; questions raised, answered
  19. Manifest refraction still crucial for LASIK surgery
  20. Medicare fees expected to remain stable for eye care in 2005
  21. New technologies enhance clinical acumen
  22. One on One with Cary Rayment
  23. Ophthalmologists must recognize signs of shaken baby syndrome
  24. Patients must be told of links between smoking and eye disease
  25. Phakic IOLs highlight New York symposium
  26. PRL implantation effective in patients with high myopia
  27. Prophylactic iridotomy can help prevent angle-closure attacks, says surgeon
  28. Real health care reform is needed, should include patient responsibility
  29. Refractive surgery group holds ninth annual meeting
  30. Researchers confirm safety of overnight orthokeratology
  31. Round table: Amblyopia studies changing pediatric ophthalmic practice patterns
  32. Selective retention of cells being tested in spine fusion
  33. Seva helps modernize cataract surgery in Tibet
  34. Stem cell applications slowly emerging in orthopedics
  35. Stem cell repair of meniscus, cartilage studied
  36. Study shows donor cornea cells can survive 30 years on recipient
  37. Surgeon: Microkeratome-assisted keratoplasty an option for ectasia
  38. Transient light sensitivity a minor complication of IntraLase use
  39. Two U.S. hand transplant patients steadily gaining function
  40. Understanding MRI from an orthopedic perspective
  41. Vision therapy requires a commitment to each patient’s visual health
  42. Wavefront analysis detects pellucid marginal degeneration before LASIK
  43. Wet AMD drug receives ‘approvable’ letter from FDA