July 15, 2000 Articles
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- ASCRS 2000: corneal inlays, onlays still in development
- Blood flow measurements: what do they mean?
- Endoscopic cyclophotocoagulation is effective for refractory glaucoma
- Erbium laser cataract surgery is now bimanual, easier and safer to perform
- Excimer laser deep sclerectomy: gentle ablation, no worry
- Healon5 completes IOP trial
- Industry news in brief
- Industry Pipeline
- LASEK has more than 1 year of successful experience
- Management shakeups take place at STAAR Surgical
- Mergers, Acquisitions, etc.
- Myopic shift rate decreases throughout childhood
- One on One with Hideo Ozawa
- Ophthalmic Stock News
- Private investor group agrees to purchase OIS shares from Premier
- Quarterly Reports
- Surgeon told to notify LASIK patients that blades were reused